Questionário de dor McGill: proposta de adaptação para a língua portuguesa CAM Pimenta, MJ Teixeira Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 30, 473-483, 1996 | 370 | 1996 |
Long-term maintenance of the analgesic effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation in fibromyalgia A Mhalla, S Baudic, DC de Andrade, M Gautron, S Perrot, MJ Teixeira, ... PAIN® 152 (7), 1478-1485, 2011 | 325 | 2011 |
Ozone therapy as a treatment for low back pain secondary to herniated disc: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials FN MAGALHAES, L Dotta, A Sasse, MJ Teixeira, ET Fonoff Pain physician, 2012 | 310 | 2012 |
Assessment of flow in perforating arteries during intracranial aneurysm surgery using intraoperative near-infrared indocyanine green videoangiography JG de Oliveira, J Beck, V Seifert, MJ Teixeira, A Raabe Neurosurgery 62 (6), SHC1300-SHC1310, 2008 | 265 | 2008 |
Validation of brief pain inventory to Brazilian patients with pain KA Ferreira, MJ Teixeira, TR Mendonza, CS Cleeland Supportive Care in Cancer 19, 505-511, 2011 | 264 | 2011 |
Decompressive craniectomy: a meta-analysis of influences on intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in the treatment of traumatic brain injury: a review E Bor-Seng-Shu, EG Figueiredo, RLO Amorim, MJ Teixeira, JS Valbuza, ... Journal of neurosurgery 117 (3), 589-596, 2012 | 257 | 2012 |
Safety and efficacy of repeated injections of botulinum toxin A in peripheral neuropathic pain (BOTNEP): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial N Attal, DC de Andrade, F Adam, D Ranoux, MJ Teixeira, R Galhardoni, ... The Lancet Neurology 15 (6), 555-565, 2016 | 255 | 2016 |
Acute neurogenic pulmonary edema: case reports and literature review RBV Fontes, PH Aguiar, MV Zanetti, F Andrade, M Mandel, MJ Teixeira Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 15 (2), 144-150, 2003 | 254 | 2003 |
Translation to Portuguese and validation of the Douleur Neuropathique 4 questionnaire JG Santos, JO Brito, DC de Andrade, VM Kaziyama, KA Ferreira, I Souza, ... The Journal of Pain 11 (5), 484-490, 2010 | 231 | 2010 |
Prevalence of chronic pain in developing countries: systematic review and meta-analysis KN Sá, L Moreira, AF Baptista, LT Yeng, MJ Teixeira, R Galhardoni, ... Pain reports 4 (6), e779, 2019 | 229 | 2019 |
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is efficacious as an add-on to pharmacological therapy in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I H Picarelli, MJ Teixeira, DC de Andrade, ML Myczkowski, TB Luvisotto, ... The Journal of Pain 11 (11), 1203-1210, 2010 | 203 | 2010 |
The WHO analgesic ladder for cancer pain control, twenty years of use. How much pain relief does one get from using it? K Azevedo São Leão Ferreira, M Kimura, M Jacobsen Teixeira Supportive Care in Cancer 14, 1086-1093, 2006 | 203 | 2006 |
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic pain: a review of the literature R Galhardoni, GS Correia, H Araujo, LT Yeng, DT Fernandes, ... Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 96 (4), S156-S172, 2015 | 194 | 2015 |
Virtual and stereoscopic anatomy: when virtual reality meets medical education JWV de Faria, MJ Teixeira, LMS Júnior, JP Otoch, EG Figueiredo Journal of neurosurgery 125 (5), 1105-1111, 2016 | 186 | 2016 |
Cerebral hemodynamics: concepts of clinical importance E Bor-Seng-Shu, WS Kita, EG Figueiredo, WS Paiva, ET Fonoff, ... Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 70, 357-365, 2012 | 184 | 2012 |
Transcranial magnetic stimulation to address mild cognitive impairment in the elderly: a randomized controlled study HL Drumond Marra, ML Myczkowski, C Maia Memória, D Arnaut, ... Behavioural neurology 2015 (1), 287843, 2015 | 181 | 2015 |
Effects of deep brain stimulation on pain and other nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson disease RG Cury, R Galhardoni, ET Fonoff, MG dos Santos Ghilardi, F Fonoff, ... Neurology 83 (16), 1403-1409, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Abnormal expression of voltage-gated sodium channels Nav1. 7, Nav1. 3 and Nav1. 8 in trigeminal neuralgia SRDT Siqueira, B Alves, HMG Malpartida, MJ Teixeira, JTT Siqueira Neuroscience 164 (2), 573-577, 2009 | 176 | 2009 |
Motor cortex stimulation inhibits thalamic sensory neurons and enhances activity of PAG neurons: possible pathways for antinociception RL Pagano, ET Fonoff, CS Dale, G Ballester, MJ Teixeira, LRG Britto PAIN® 153 (12), 2359-2369, 2012 | 168 | 2012 |
Infection rate and risk factors associated with infections related to external ventricular drain EF Camacho, I Boszczowski, M Basso, BCP Jeng, MP Freire, ... Infection 39, 47-51, 2011 | 167 | 2011 |