Behrooz Keshtegar
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Probabilistic framework for fatigue life assessment of notched components under size effects
D Liao, SP Zhu, B Keshtegar, G Qian, Q Wang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 181, 105685, 2020
Probabilistic modeling of uncertainties in fatigue reliability analysis of turbine bladed disks
XP Niu, RZ Wang, D Liao, SP Zhu, XC Zhang, B Keshtegar
International Journal of Fatigue 142, 105912, 2021
Hybrid enhanced Monte Carlo simulation coupled with advanced machine learning approach for accurate and efficient structural reliability analysis
C Luo, B Keshtegar, SP Zhu, O Taylan, XP Niu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 388, 114218, 2022
Comparison of four heuristic regression techniques in solar radiation modeling: Kriging method vs RSM, MARS and M5 model tree
B Keshtegar, C Mert, O Kisi
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 81, 330-341, 2018
Probabilistic modeling of fatigue life distribution and size effect of components with random defects
Y Ai, SP Zhu, D Liao, J Correia, C Souto, AMP De Jesus, B Keshtegar
International Journal of Fatigue 126, 165-173, 2019
Prediction of maximum pitting corrosion depth in oil and gas pipelines
MEAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, KF Tee, T Zayed, R Abbassi, NT Trung
Engineering Failure Analysis 112, 104505, 2020
A hybrid relaxed first-order reliability method for efficient structural reliability analysis
B Keshtegar, Z Meng
Structural Safety 66, 84-93, 2017
Wave propagation and vibration responses in porous smart nanocomposite sandwich beam resting on Kerr foundation considering structural damping
B Keshtegar, M Motezaker, R Kolahchi, NT Trung
Thin-Walled Structures 154, 106820, 2020
Adaptive conjugate single-loop method for efficient reliability-based design and topology optimization
Z Meng, B Keshtegar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 344, 95-119, 2019
Chaotic conjugate stability transformation method for structural reliability analysis
B Keshtegar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 310, 866-885, 2016
Shear strength of steel fiber-unconfined reinforced concrete beam simulation: Application of novel intelligent model
B Keshtegar, M Bagheri, ZM Yaseen
Composite Structures 212, 230-242, 2019
A hybrid self-adaptive conjugate first order reliability method for robust structural reliability analysis
B Keshtegar, S Chakraborty
Applied Mathematical Modelling 53, 319-332, 2018
Modified response surface method basis harmony search to predict the burst pressure of corroded pipelines
B Keshtegar, MAB Seghier
Engineering Failure Analysis 89, 177-199, 2018
Probabilistic modelling of notch fatigue and size effect of components using highly stressed volume approach
Y Ai, SP Zhu, D Liao, JAFO Correia, AMP De Jesus, B Keshtegar
International Journal of Fatigue 127, 110-119, 2019
Novel probabilistic model for searching most probable point in structural reliability analysis
SP Zhu, B Keshtegar, S Chakraborty, NT Trung
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 366, 113027, 2020
Optimization of dynamic buckling for sandwich nanocomposite plates with sensor and actuator layer based on sinusoidal-visco-piezoelasticity theories using Grey Wolf algorithm
R Kolahchi, B Keshtegar, MH Fakhar
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 22 (1), 3-27, 2020
Dynamic buckling optimization of laminated aircraft conical shells with hybrid nanocomposite martial
R Kolahchi, SP Zhu, B Keshtegar, NT Trung
Aerospace Science and Technology 98, 105656, 2020
Hybrid and enhanced PSO: Novel first order reliability method-based hybrid intelligent approaches
SP Zhu, B Keshtegar, MEAB Seghier, E Zio, O Taylan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393, 114730, 2022
Dynamic stability control of viscoelastic nanocomposite piezoelectric sandwich beams resting on Kerr foundation based on exponential piezoelasticity theory
MSH Al-Furjan, A Farrokhian, B Keshtegar, R Kolahchi, NT Trung
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 86, 104169, 2021
Dynamic stability response of truncated nanocomposite conical shell with magnetostrictive face sheets utilizing higher order theory of sandwich panels
B Keshtegar, A Farrokhian, R Kolahchi, NT Trung
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 82, 104010, 2020
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