Challenges for rechargeable Li batteries JB Goodenough, Y Kim
Chemistry of materials 22 (3), 587-603, 2010
11917 2010 Phospho‐olivines as positive‐electrode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries AK Padhi, KS Nanjundaswamy, JB Goodenough
Journal of the electrochemical society 144 (4), 1188, 1997
10760 1997 The Li-ion rechargeable battery: a perspective JB Goodenough, KS Park
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (4), 1167-1176, 2013
9992 2013 Theory of the Role of Covalence in the Perovskite-Type Manganites JB Goodenough
Physical Review 100 (2), 564, 1955
5399 1955 LixCoO2 (0< x<-1): A new cathode material for batteries of high energy density K Mizushima, PC Jones, PJ Wiseman, JB Goodenough
Materials Research Bulletin 15 (6), 783-789, 1980
5156 1980 A perovskite oxide optimized for oxygen evolution catalysis from molecular orbital principles J Suntivich, KJ May, HA Gasteiger, JB Goodenough, Y Shao-Horn
Science 334 (6061), 1383-1385, 2011
5120 2011 Magnetism and the chemical bond JB Goodenough
(No Title), 1963
5104 1963 Design principles for oxygen-reduction activity on perovskite oxide catalysts for fuel cells and metal–air batteries J Suntivich, HA Gasteiger, N Yabuuchi, H Nakanishi, JB Goodenough, ...
Nature chemistry 3 (7), 546-550, 2011
2976 2011 Pathways for practical high-energy long-cycling lithium metal batteries J Liu, Z Bao, Y Cui, EJ Dufek, JB Goodenough, P Khalifah, Q Li, BY Liaw, ...
Nature Energy 4 (3), 180-186, 2019
2832 2019 Fast Na+-ion transport in skeleton structures JB Goodenough, HYP Hong, JA Kafalas
Materials Research Bulletin 11 (2), 203-220, 1976
2480 1976 Lithium insertion into manganese spinels MM Thackeray, WIF David, PG Bruce, JB Goodenough
Materials research bulletin 18 (4), 461-472, 1983
2287 1983 Contextual correlates of synonymy H Rubenstein, JB Goodenough
Communications of the ACM 8 (10), 627-633, 1965
1994 1965 The two components of the crystallographic transition in VO2 JB Goodenough
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 3 (4), 490-500, 1971
1805 1971 Metallic oxides JB Goodenough
Progress in solid state chemistry 5, 145-399, 1971
1779 1971 Effect of structure on the Fe3+/Fe2+ redox couple in iron phosphates AK Padhi, KS Nanjundaswamy, C Masquelier, S Okada, JB Goodenough
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 144 (5), 1609, 1997
1768 1997 An interpretation of the magnetic properties of the perovskite-type mixed crystals La1− xSrxCoO3− λ JB Goodenough
Journal of Physics and chemistry of Solids 6 (2-3), 287-297, 1958
1654 1958 Supercapacitor behavior with KCl electrolyte HY Lee, JB Goodenough
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 144 (1), 220-223, 1999
1440 1999 Development and challenges of LiFePO 4 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries LX Yuan, ZH Wang, WX Zhang, XL Hu, JT Chen, YH Huang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 4 (2), 269-284, 2011
1431 2011 X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy studies of Sn‐doped indium‐oxide films JCC Fan, JB Goodenough
Journal of applied physics 48 (8), 3524-3531, 1977
1332 1977 PEO/garnet composite electrolytes for solid-state lithium batteries: From “ceramic-in-polymer” to “polymer-in-ceramic” L Chen, Y Li, SP Li, LZ Fan, CW Nan, JB Goodenough
Nano Energy 46, 176-184, 2018
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