Johan Zetterberg
Johan Zetterberg
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Lund University
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Simultaneous PIV∕ OH-PLIF, Rayleigh thermometry∕ OH-PLIF and stereo PIV measurements in a low-swirl flame
P Petersson, J Olofsson, C Brackman, H Seyfried, J Zetterberg, M Richter, ...
Applied optics 46 (19), 3928-3936, 2007
Investigation of local flame structures and statistics in partially premixed turbulent jet flames using simultaneous single-shot CH and OH planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging
J Kiefer, ZS Li, J Zetterberg, XS Bai, M Aldén
Combustion and flame 154 (4), 802-818, 2008
Large eddy simulation and experiments of stratified lean premixed methane/air turbulent flames
KJ Nogenmyr, P Petersson, XS Bai, A Nauert, J Olofsson, C Brackman, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 1467-1475, 2007
Development of improved PLIF CH detection using an Alexandrite laser for single-shot investigation of turbulent and lean flames
ZS Li, J Kiefer, J Zetterberg, M Linvin, A Leipertz, XS Bai, M Aldén
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 727-735, 2007
Determination of surface normal temperature gradients using thermographic phosphors and filtered Rayleigh scattering
J Brübach, J Zetterberg, A Omrane, ZS Li, M Aldén, A Dreizler
Applied Physics B 84, 537-541, 2006
Directly measuring reaction kinetics of QOOH–a crucial but elusive intermediate in hydrocarbon autoignition
J Zádor, H Huang, O Welz, J Zetterberg, DL Osborn, CA Taatjes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (26), 10753-10760, 2013
Spatially and temporally resolved gas distributions around heterogeneous catalysts using infrared planar laser-induced fluorescence
J Zetterberg, S Blomberg, J Gustafson, J Evertsson, J Zhou, EC Adams, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7076, 2015
Strategy for PLIF single-shot HCO imaging in turbulent methane/air flames
B Zhou, J Kiefer, J Zetterberg, Z Li, M Aldén
Combustion and Flame 161 (6), 1566-1574, 2014
An in situ set up for the detection of CO2 from catalytic CO oxidation by using planar laser-induced fluorescence
J Zetterberg, S Blomberg, J Gustafson, ZW Sun, ZS Li, E Lundgren, ...
Review of scientific instruments 83 (5), 2012
Novel in situ techniques for studies of model catalysts
E Lundgren, C Zhang, LR Merte, M Shipilin, S Blomberg, U Hejral, J Zhou, ...
Accounts of Chemical Research 50 (9), 2326-2333, 2017
Evidence for the active phase of heterogeneous catalysts through in situ reaction product imaging and multiscale modeling
S Matera, S Blomberg, MJ Hoffmann, J Zetterberg, J Gustafson, ...
ACS Catalysis 5 (8), 4514-4518, 2015
Strain dependent light-off temperature in catalysis revealed by planar laser-induced fluorescence
S Blomberg, J Zetterberg, J Zhou, LR Merte, J Gustafson, M Shipilin, ...
ACS Catalysis 7 (1), 110-114, 2017
Mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: Detection of nascent CO2 and H2O in atmospheric pressure flames
ZS Li, M Rupinski, J Zetterberg, ZT Alwahabi, M Aldén
Chemical Physics Letters 407 (4-6), 243-248, 2005
Detection of methane with mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy
ZS Li, M Rupinski, J Zetterberg, ZT Alwahabi, M Aldén
Applied Physics B 79, 135-138, 2004
2D and 3D imaging of the gas phase close to an operating model catalyst by planar laser induced fluorescence
S Blomberg, J Zhou, J Gustafson, J Zetterberg, E Lundgren
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (45), 453002, 2016
Two-dimensional temperature measurements in flames using filtered Rayleigh scattering at 254 nm
J Zetterberg, Z Li, M Afzelius, M Aldén
Applied spectroscopy 62 (7), 778-783, 2008
Simultaneous imaging of gas phase over and surface reflectance of a Pd (100) single crystal during CO oxidation
J Zhou, S Blomberg, J Gustafson, E Lundgren, J Zetterberg
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (42), 23511-23519, 2017
Mid-infrared PS and LIF detection of CH4 and C2H6 in cold flows and flames at atmospheric pressure
ZS Li, M Rupinski, J Zetterberg, M Aldén
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1629-1636, 2005
Midinfrared polarization spectroscopy of OH and hot water in low pressure lean premixed flames
ZS Li, C Hu, J Zetterberg, M Linvin, M Aldén
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (8), 2007
Applications of a single-longitudinal-mode alexandrite laser for diagnostics of parameters of combustion interest
ZS Li, M Afzelius, J Zetterberg, M Aldén
Review of scientific instruments 75 (10), 3208-3215, 2004
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Artigos 1–20