Mikko Mattila
Mikko Mattila
Professor of Political Science, University of Helsinki
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Contested decisions: Empirical analysis of voting in the European Union Council of Ministers
M Mattila
European Journal of Political Research 43 (1), 29-50, 2004
Why unanimity in the Council? A roll call analysis of Council voting
M Mattila, JE Lane
European Union Politics 2 (1), 31-52, 2001
Why bother? Determinants of turnout in the European elections
M Mattila
Electoral studies 22 (3), 449-468, 2003
Direct democracy and its critics: Support for direct democracy and ‘stealth’ democracy in Finland
Å Bengtsson, M Mattila
West European Politics 32 (5), 1031-1048, 2009
Cautious voters-supportive parties: Opinion congruence between voters and parties on the EU dimension
M Mattila, T Raunio
European Union Politics 7 (4), 427-449, 2006
Kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen verkkokäsikirja
M Mattila, E Paaso, S Borg, M Alastalo, N Ellonen, J Sivonen, ...
Tietoarkisto. Saatavilla: https://www. fsd. tuni. fi/fi/palvelut …, 2021
Healthy voting: The effect of self-reported health on turnout in 30 countries
M Mattila, P Söderlund, H Wass, L Rapeli
Electoral Studies 32 (4), 886-891, 2013
Roll call analysis of voting in the European Union Council of Ministers after the 2004 enlargement
M Mattila
European Journal of Political Research 48 (6), 840-857, 2009
Money makes the EU go round: The objective foundations of conflict in the council of ministers
S Bailer, M Mattila, G Schneider
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (3), 437-456, 2015
Voting in the Council of the European Union after the 2004 Enlargement: A Comparison of Old and New Member States
MO Hosli, M Mattila, M Uriot
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (6), 1249-1270, 2011
Does winning pay? Electoral success and government formation in 15 West European countries
M Mattila, T Raunio
European journal of political research 43 (2), 263-285, 2004
Johdatus verkostoanalyysiin
JE Johanson, M Mattila, P Uusikylä
Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus, 1995
Drifting further apart: National parties and their electorates on the EU dimension
M Mattila, T Raunio
West European Politics 35 (3), 589-606, 2012
Disability, perceived discrimination and political participation
M Mattila, A Papageorgiou
International Political Science Review 38 (5), 505-519, 2017
Voting and Coalitions in the Council after the Enlargement
M Mattila
Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games governments play in …, 2008
Fiscal transfers and redistribution in the European Union: do smaller member states get more than their share?
M Mattila
Journal of European Public Policy 13 (1), 34-51, 2006
Just sick of it? Health and political trust in Western Europe
M Mattila, L Rapeli
European Journal of Political Research 57 (1), 116-134, 2018
How voter turnout varies between different chronic conditions? A population-based register study
R Sund, H Lahtinen, H Wass, M Mattila, P Martikainen
J Epidemiol Community Health 71 (5), 475-479, 2017
Candidate-centred campaigns and their effects in an open list system: The case of Finland
I Ruostetsaari, M Mattila
Do Political Campaigns Matter?, 92-107, 2003
Health and political engagement
V Mikko Mattila, L Rapeli, HM Wass, P Söderlund
Taylor & Francis, 2017
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