Francisco Javier Muñoz-Almaraz
Francisco Javier Muñoz-Almaraz
CEU-Cardenal Herrera University
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Crowdsourcing reproducible seizure forecasting in human and canine epilepsy
BH Brinkmann, J Wagenaar, D Abbot, P Adkins, SC Bosshard, M Chen, ...
Brain 139 (6), 1713-1722, 2016
Continuation of periodic orbits in conservative and Hamiltonian systems
FJ Munoz-Almaraz, E Freire, J Galán, E Doedel, A Vanderbauwhede
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 181 (1-2), 1-38, 2003
Stability and bifurcations of the figure-8 solution of the three-body problem
J Galán, FJ Munoz-Almaraz, E Freire, E Doedel, A Vanderbauwhede
Physical review letters 88 (24), 241101, 2002
Continuation of normal doubly symmetric orbits in conservative reversible systems
FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, E Freire, J Galan-Vioque, A Vanderbauwhede
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 97, 17-47, 2007
Decision tree for early detection of cognitive impairment by community pharmacists
M Climent, J Pardo, FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, M Guerrero, L Moreno
Frontiers in Pharmacology 9, 1232, 2018
Continuation of periodic orbits in symmetric Hamiltonian and conservative systems
J Galan-Vioque, FJM Almaraz, EF Macías
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 223 (13), 2705-2722, 2014
A Machine Learning Approach to Design an Efficient Selective Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment
FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, MT Climent, MD Guerrero, L Moreno, J Pardo
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e59649, 2020
Bifurcation behavior of the Furuta pendulum
FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, E Freire, J Galán-Vioque
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17 (08), 2571-2578, 2007
Families of symmetric periodic orbits in the three body problem and the figure eight
FJM Almaraz, J Galán, E Freire
Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y …, 2004
Methodology for assessment of radon diffusion coefficients in membranes, used as radon barriers in construction and refurbishment
JJ Tejado-Ramos, A Alvarez-Toral, J Guillén, M Carmona-Carmona, ...
Construction and Building Materials 414, 134967, 2024
On non-smooth pitchfork bifurcations in invertible quasi-periodically forced 1-D maps
À Jorba, FJ Muñoz–Almaraz, JC Tatjer
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 24 (4), 588-608, 2018
Continuación y bifurcaciones de órbitas periódicas en sistemas hamiltonianos con simetría
FJ Muñoz Almaraz
Universidad de Sevilla, 2003
Supervised filters for EEG signal in naturally occurring epilepsy forecasting
FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, F Zamora-Martínez, P Botella-Rocamora, J Pardo
PloS one 12 (6), e0178808, 2017
Integration of Unsupervised and Supervised Criteria for Deep Neural Networks Training
F Zamora-Martínez, J Muñoz-Almaraz, J Pardo
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 55-62, 2016
Numerical continuation of periodic orbits in symmetric hamiltonian systems
FJ Mufioz-Almaraz, J Galán, E Freire
International Conference on Differential Equations, Berlin, Germany, 1-7 …, 2000
A 3D mathematical model for planning ostectomy on long-bone angular deformities
L Domenech, FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, CI Serra, C Soler, N Montes
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291, 58-65, 2016
Change of Stability without Bifurcation: An Example.
FJ Muñoz-Almaraz, E Freire, J Galán, A Vanderbauwhede
International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 3-18, 2009
Numerical explorations in a modified potential of the TBP
FJ Munoz-Almaraz, J Galán-Vioque, E Freire, A Vanderbauwhede
Argument 2 (3), 4, 2018
Continuation of Gerver's supereight choreography
FJM Almaraz, E Freire, J Galán, A Vanderbauwhede
Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y …, 2007
Branches of invariant tori and rotation numbers in symmetric Hamiltonian systems: An example
F Muñoz-Almaraz, E Freire, J Galán, A Vanderbauwhede
Symmetry and Perturbation Theory, 267-276, 2003
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Artigos 1–20