Osny Ferreira Júnior
Osny Ferreira Júnior
Professor de CTBMF da Fac. de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo
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Clinical concepts of dry socket
CL Cardoso, MTV Rodrigues, OF Júnior, GP Garlet, PSP de Carvalho
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 68 (8), 1922-1932, 2010
Position of the greater palatine foramen: an anatomical study through cone beam computed tomography images
CRS Ikuta, CL Cardoso, O Ferreira-Júnior, JRP Lauris, PHC Souza, ...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 35 (9), 837-842, 2013
Avaliação das posições dos terceiros molares impactados de acordo com as classificações de Winter e Pell & Gregory em radiografias panorâmicas
CRG Xavier, E Dias-Ribeiro, J Ferreira-Rocha, BG Duarte, ...
Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial 10 (2), 83-90, 2010
Clinical evaluation of effects of radiographic distortion on the position and classification of mandibular third molars.
ALAC LFM Sant'Ana, FPM Giglio, O Ferreira Jr, E Sant'Ana
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 34 (2), 96-101, 2005
Experimental alveolitis in rats: microbiological, acute phase response and histometric characterization of delayed alveolar healing
MTV Rodrigues, CL Cardoso, PSP Carvalho, TM Cestari, M Feres, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 19 (3), 260-268, 2011
Impacted Lower Third Molar Fused with a Supernumerary Tooth—Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Using Cone‐Beam Computed Tomography
O Ferreira‐Junior, LD De Ávila, MB da Silva Sampieri, E Dias‐Ribeiro, ...
International journal of oral science 1 (4), 224-228, 2009
Glandular odontogenic cyst: Case report and review of the literature.
O Ferreira Júnior, L Reis Azevedo, E Sant'Ana, V Soares Lara
Quintessence international 35 (5), 2004
Radiographic evaluation of localization for non-erupted upper canines
PP Martins, JA Gurgel, E Sant'Ana, O Ferreira Júnior, JFC Henriques
Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial 10 (4), 106-114, 2005
Avaliação radiográfica da localização de caninos superiores não irrompidos
PP Martins, JA Gurgel, E Sant'Ana, O Ferreira Júnior, JFC Henriques
Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial 10 (4), 106-114, 2005
Alveolite experimental: análise microscópica e molecular de duas modalidades de tratamento
CL Cardoso, O Ferreira Júnior, PS Carvalho, TJ Dionísio, TM Cestari, ...
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 26 (5), 365-372, 2011
Experimental dry socket: microscopic and molecular evaluation of two treatment modalities
CL Cardoso, O Ferreira Júnior, PS Carvalho, TJ Dionísio, TM Cestari, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 26 (5), 365-372, 2011
Experimental dry socket: microscopic and molecular evaluation of two treatment modalities
CL Cardoso, O Ferreira Júnior, PS Carvalho, TJ Dionísio, TM Cestari, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 26 (5), 365-372, 2011
Simple bone cyst versus odontogenic keratocyst: differential diagnosis by digitized panoramic radiography
O Ferreira Junior, JH Damante, JRP Lauris
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 33 (6), 373-378, 2004
Primary failure of tooth eruption associated with secondarily inflamed dental follicle: inflammatory follicular cyst?
GAC Lautenschläger, MC Gallina, O Ferreira Júnior, VS Lara
Brazilian dental journal 18 (2), 144-147, 2007
Cisto dentígero: características clínicas, radiográficas e critérios para o plano de tratamento
LGM Vaz, MTV Rodrigues, O Ferreira Júnior
RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online) 58 (1), 127-130, 2010
Evaluation of opening pattern and bone neoformation at median palatal suture area in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) through cone …
DG Salgueiro, VHLO RODRIGUES, V Tieghi Neto, CC MENEZES, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 23 (4), 397-404, 2015
Evaluation of opening pattern and bone neoformation at median palatal suture area in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) through cone …
DG Salgueiro, VHLO Rodrigues, V Tieghi Neto, CC Menezes, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 23 (4), 397-404, 2015
Current considerations on bone substitutes in maxillary sinus lifting
CL Cardoso, C Curra, PL Santos, MFM Rodrigues, O Ferreira-Júnior, ...
Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral 9 (2 …, 2016
Avaliação da freqüência da posição dos terceiros molares inferiores não irrompidos
E Sant'Ana, CRM Pinzan, O Ferreira Júnior
BCI: Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia e Implantodontia 7 (27), 42-45, 2000
Bone crestal height and bone density after third-molar extraction and grafting: a long-term follow-up study
EA Munhoz, A Bodanezi, OF Junior, JM Granjeiro
Clinical oral investigations 15 (1), 123-126, 2011
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