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Nicholas CharronProfessor, University of GothenburgE-mail confirmado em pol.gu.se
Mogens K. JustesenProfessor (mso), Copenhagen Business SchoolE-mail confirmado em cbs.dk
Alberto LioyUniversity of Hradec KralovéE-mail confirmado em uhk.cz
Georgios XezonakisUniversity of GothenburgE-mail confirmado em gu.se
Aksel SundströmAssociate professor, University of GothenburgE-mail confirmado em pol.gu.se
Jenny de Fine LichtAssociate Professor in Public Administration, University of GothenburgE-mail confirmado em spa.gu.se
Carl Müller-CreponLondon School of Economics and Political ScienceE-mail confirmado em lse.ac.uk
Felix HaassUniversity of OsloE-mail confirmado em stv.uio.no
Jana SchwenkPhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, University of GothenburgE-mail confirmado em gu.se
Sharon PaillerASPCAE-mail confirmado em aspca.org
Birgitta NiklassonUniversity of Gothenburg
Stephen Dawson
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Gothenburg
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