Abhinav Srivastav
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Online non-preemptive scheduling in a resource augmentation model based on duality
G Lucarelli, NK Thang, A Srivastav, D Trystram
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016) 57 (63), 1-17, 2016
Online non-monotone DR-submodular maximization
NK Thắng, A Srivastav
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (11), 9868-9876, 2021
Distributed scalable collaborative filtering algorithm
A Narang, A Srivastava, NPK Katta
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 353-365, 2011
Integration of power systems with electric vehicles: A comprehensive review of impact on power quality and relevant enhancements
A Srivastava, M Manas, RK Dubey
Electric Power Systems Research 234, 110572, 2024
Non-monotone DR-submodular maximization: Approximation and regret guarantees
C Dürr, NK Thang, A Srivastav, L Tible
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09595, 2019
Non-monotone DR-submodular maximization over general convex sets
C Dürr, NK Thắng, A Srivastav, L Tible
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
Online non-preemptive scheduling on unrelated machines with rejections
G Lucarelli, B Moseley, NK Thang, A Srivastav, D Trystram
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 8 (2), 1-22, 2021
Online Non-preemptive Scheduling to Optimize Max Stretch on a Single Machine
DT Pierre-Francois Dutot, Erik Saule, Abhinav Srivastav
The 22nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'16 …, 2016
High performance offline and online distributed collaborative filtering
A Narang, A Srivastava, NPK Katta
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, 549-558, 2012
Dynamic distributed scheduling algorithm for state space search
A Narang, A Srivastava, R Jain, RK Shyamasundar
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 141-154, 2012
From Preemptive to Non-preemptive Scheduling Using Rejections
ASDT Giorgio Lucarelli
The 22nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'16 …, 2016
Performance driven multi-objective distributed scheduling for parallel computations
A Narang, A Srivastava, NPK Katta, RK Shyamasundar
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 45 (2), 14-27, 2011
A stochastic conditional gradient algorithm for decentralized online convex optimization
NK Thắng, A Srivastav, D Trystram, P Youssef
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 169, 334-351, 2022
Online non-preemptive scheduling to minimize weighted flow-time on unrelated machines
G Lucarelli, B Moseley, NK Thang, A Srivastav, D Trystram
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08317, 2018
Double archive Pareto local search
O Maler, A Srivastav
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-7, 2016
High performance adaptive distributed scheduling algorithm
A Narang, A Srivastava, RK Shyamasundar
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2013
Implementation of ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization in economic load dispatch problem using renewable source
A Srivastava, S Singh
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2020
Online non-preemptive scheduling to minimize maximum weighted flow-time on related machines
G Lucarelli, B Moseley
FSTTCS, 2019
Affinity driven distributed scheduling algorithm for parallel computations
A Narang, A Srivastava, NP Kumar, RK Shyamasundar
International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 167-178, 2011
Impact of political marketing strategies on the BOP voters in India
S Mukherjee, A Srivastava, B Datta, S Sengupta
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 40 (8), 994-1009, 2022
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