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Reduction of toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 by using baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in growing broiler chicks diets
K Çelýk, M Denlý, T Savas
Revista brasileira de zootecnia 32, 615-619, 2003
Growth and behavioral traits of Turkish Saanen kids weaned at 45 and 60 days
F Ugur, T Savas, M Dosay, A Karabayır, C Atasoglu
Small Ruminant Research 52 (1-2), 179-184, 2004
Çanakkale koyun ve keçi yetiştiricileri birliği üyesi keçicilik işletmelerinde teknik sorunların belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma
E Koyuncu, A Pala, T Savaş, A Konyalı, C Ataşoğlu, G Daş, İE Ersoy, ...
Hayvansal Üretim 47 (1), 2006
Carcass measurements and meat quality characteristics of dairy suckling kids compared to an indigenous genotype
B Ekiz, M Ozcan, A Yilmaz, C Tölü, T Savaş
Meat Science 85 (2), 245-249, 2010
Factors affecting placental traits and relationships of placental traits with neonatal behaviour in goat
A Konyalı, C Tölü, G Daş, T Savaş
Animal Reproduction Science 97 (3-4), 394-401, 2007
Gökçeada’da ekstansif koşullarda hayvancılık yapan işletmelerin sosyo-ekonomik açıdan incelenmesi
D Aktürk, F Savran, H Hakyemez, G Daş, T Savaş
Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 (03), 229-235, 2005
Türkiye küçükbaş hayvancılığının iyileştirilmesi
M Ertuğrul, T Savaş, G Dellal, T Taşkın, M Koyuncu, F Cengiz, B Dağ, ...
Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler, 11-15, 2010
Goat production systems of Turkey: Nomadic to industrial
I Daskiran, T Savas, M Koyuncu, N Koluman, M Keskin, N Esenbuga, ...
Small Ruminant Research 163, 15-20, 2018
Effects of daily protein intake levels on the oral stereotypic behaviours in energy restricted lambs
IY Yurtman, T Savas, F Karaagac, L Coskuntuna
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 77 (1), 77-88, 2002
Hayvan hakları ve hayvan refahı: Felsefi bakış-nesnel arayışlar
T Savaş, İY Yurtman, C Tölü
Hayvansal Üretim 50 (1), 2009
A brief report on intra-species aggressive biting in a goat herd
C Tölü, T Savaş
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 102 (1-2), 124-129, 2007
Gökçeada, Malta ve Türk Saanen keçi genotiplerinin süt verim özellikleri bakımından karşılaştırılması
C Tölü, İY Yurtman, T Savaş
Hayvansal Üretim 51 (1), 2010
Persistency within and between lactations in morning, evening and daily test day milk in dairy goats
A Pala, T Savaş
Archives Animal Breeding 48 (4), 396-403, 2005
Sensory properties of drinkable yogurt made from milk of different goat breeds
C Uysal‐Pala, Y KARAGUL‐YUCEER, A Pala, T Savas
Journal of sensory studies 21 (5), 520-533, 2006
Carcass and meat quality of Gokceada Goat kids reared under extensive and semi-intensive production systems
M Ozcan, H Yalcintan, C Tölü, B Ekiz, A Yilmaz, T Savaş
Meat Science 96 (1), 496-502, 2014
Effects of kefir as a probiotic source on the performance of goat kids
C Ataþoðlu, HI Akbað, C Tölü, G Das, T Savas, IY Yurtman
South African Journal of Animal Science 40 (4), 2010
Precision, repeatability and representative ability of faecal egg counts in Heterakis gallinarum infected chickens
G Daş, T Savaş, F Kaufmann, A Idris, H Abel, M Gauly
Veterinary parasitology 183 (1-2), 87-94, 2011
Growth curves of Turkish Saanen goats’ kids grouped for weight and body mass index
A Pala, T Savaş, F Uğur, G Daş
Archives Animal Breeding 48 (2), 185-193, 2005
The domestic livestock resources of Turkey: inventory of pigeon groups and breeds with notes on breeder organizations
O Yilmaz, T Savas, M Ertugrul, RT Wilson
World's Poultry Science Journal 69 (2), 265-278, 2013
Sarımsaklı Tarım İşletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca ırkı süt sığırlarının döl verim özellikleri
YT Tuna, EK Gürcan, T Savaş
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 4 (3), 347-357, 2007
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20