Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - David PaduaSaiba mais
12 artigos disponíveis publicamente
DSMR: A parallel algorithm for single-source shortest path problem
S Maleki, D Nguyen, A Lenharth, M Garzarán, D Padua, K Pingali
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing, 1-14, 2016
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
An empirical study of the effect of source-level loop transformations on compiler stability
Z Gong, Z Chen, J Szaday, D Wong, Z Sura, N Watkinson, S Maleki, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 2 (OOPSLA), 1-29, 2018
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Optimization techniques for efficient HTA programs
BB Fraguela, G Bikshandi, J Guo, MJ Garzarán, D Padua, C Von Praun
Parallel Computing 38 (9), 465-484, 2012
Autorizações: Government of Spain
High-assurance SPIRAL: End-to-end guarantees for robot and car control
F Franchetti, TM Low, S Mitsch, JP Mendoza, L Gui, A Phaosawasdi, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 37 (2), 82-103, 2017
Autorizações: US Department of Defense
Locus: a system and a language for program optimization
SFXT Teixeira, C Ancourt, D Padua, W Gropp
2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Lore: A loop repository for the evaluation of compilers
Z Chen, Z Gong, JJ Szaday, DC Wong, D Padua, A Nicolau, ...
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 219-228, 2017
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Towards an achievable performance for the loop nests
A Shivam, N Watkinson, A Nicolau, D Padua, AV Veidenbaum
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 31st International Workshop …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
Managing code transformations for better performance portability
TSFX Teixeira, W Gropp, D Padua
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (6 …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Hierarchically tiled array as a high-level abstraction for codelets
CC Yang, JC Pichel, AR Smith, DA Padua
2014 Fourth Workshop on Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale …, 2014
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Dataflow execution of hierarchically tiled arrays
CC Yang, JC Pichel, DA Padua
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 304-316, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Government of Spain
Making Parallel Programming Easy: Research Contributions from Illinois
J Torrellas, SV Adve, VS Adve, D Dig, MN Do, MJ Garzaran, JC Hart, ...
Autorizações: Government of Spain
Final Project Report, DynAX Innovations in Programming Models, Compilers and Runtime Systems for Dynamic Adaptive Event Driven Execution Models
G Gao, B Meister, D Padua, A Marquez
ET International, Inc., Newark, DE (United States), 2015
Autorizações: US Department of Energy
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