Henri Pesonen
Henri Pesonen
Researcher, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE), Oslo University Hospital
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Apparent nosocomial adaptation of Enterococcus faecalis predates the modern hospital era
AK Pöntinen, J Top, S Arredondo-Alonso, G Tonkin-Hill, AR Freitas, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1523, 2021
Childhood physical abuse and emotional neglect are specifically associated with adult mental disorders
RKR Salokangas, F Schultze-Lutter, SJ Schmidt, H Pesonen, S Luutonen, ...
Journal of Mental Health, 2020
Peace of mind and anxiety in the waking state are related to the affective content of dreams
P Sikka, H Pesonen, A Revonsuo
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12762, 2018
Cubature-based Kalman filters for positioning
H Pesonen, R Piché
2010 7th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 45-49, 2010
Prior knowledge elicitation: The past, present, and future
P Mikkola, OA Martin, S Chandramouli, M Hartmann, O Abril Pla, ...
Bayesian Analysis 19 (4), 1129-1161, 2024
Human milk cortisol concentration predicts experimentally induced infant fear reactivity: moderation by infant sex
S Nolvi, HM Uusitupa, DJ Bridgett, H Pesonen, AK Aatsinki, EL Kataja, ...
Developmental science 21 (4), e12625, 2018
Traces of trauma: a multivariate pattern analysis of childhood trauma, brain structure, and clinical phenotypes
D Popovic, A Ruef, DB Dwyer, LA Antonucci, J Eder, R Sanfelici, ...
Biological Psychiatry 88 (11), 829-842, 2020
Maternal pre-and postnatal anxiety symptoms and infant attention disengagement from emotional faces
EL Kataja, L Karlsson, CE Parsons, J Pelto, H Pesonen, T Häikiö, J Hyönä, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 243, 280-289, 2019
Gut microbiota composition in mid-pregnancy is associated with gestational weight gain but not prepregnancy body mass index
AK Aatsinki, HM Uusitupa, E Munukka, H Pesonen, A Rintala, S Pietilä, ...
Journal of women's health 27 (10), 1293-1301, 2018
A framework for Bayesian receiver autonomous integrity monitoring in urban navigation
H Pesonen
Navigation 58 (3), 229-240, 2011
Maternal depressive symptoms during the pre‐and postnatal periods and infant attention to emotional faces
EL Kataja, L Karlsson, JM Leppänen, J Pelto, T Häikiö, S Nolvi, ...
Child development 91 (2), e475-e480, 2020
Exploring links between psychosis and frontotemporal dementia using multimodal machine learning: dementia praecox revisited
N Koutsouleris, C Pantelis, D Velakoulis, P McGuire, DB Dwyer, ...
JAMA psychiatry 79 (9), 907-919, 2022
Infant sex moderates the effects of maternal pre‐and postnatal stress on executive functioning at 8 months of age
S Nolvi, H Pesonen, DJ Bridgett, R Korja, EL Kataja, H Karlsson, ...
Infancy 23 (2), 194-210, 2018
Past, present and future of software for Bayesian inference
E Štrumbelj, A Bouchard-Côté, J Corander, A Gelman, H Rue, L Murray, ...
Statistical Science 39 (1), 46-61, 2024
Robust estimation techniques for GNSS positioning
H Pesonen
Proceedings of NAV07-The Navigation Conference and Exhibition 31 (1.11), 2007, 2007
Single-subject analysis of N400 event-related potential component with five different methods
RE Kallionpää, H Pesonen, A Scheinin, N Sandman, R Laitio, H Scheinin, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 144, 14-24, 2019
Rapid and accurate processing of multiple objects in briefly presented scenes
H Railo, VM Karhu, J Mast, H Pesonen, M Koivisto
Journal of vision 16 (3), 8-8, 2016
Covariance matrix estimation for left-censored data
M Pesonen, H Pesonen, J Nevalainen
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 92, 13-25, 2015
ABC of the future
H Pesonen, U Simola, A Köhn‐Luque, H Vuollekoski, X Lai, A Frigessi, ...
International Statistical Review 91 (2), 243-268, 2023
Likelihood-free inference with deep Gaussian processes
A Aushev, H Pesonen, M Heinonen, J Corander, S Kaski
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 174, 107529, 2022
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