COVID-19 and schooling: evaluation, assessment and accountability in times of crises—reacting quickly to explore key issues for policy, practice and research with the school … SG Huber, C Helm Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability 32 (2), 237-270, 2020 | 814 | 2020 |
COVID-19 und aktuelle Herausforderungen in Schule und Bildung SG Huber, P Günther, N Schneider, C Helm, M Schwander, J Schneider, ... | 450* | 2020 |
School leadership and leadership development: Adjusting leadership theories and development programs to values and the core purpose of school S Gerhard Huber Journal of educational administration 42 (6), 669-684, 2004 | 416 | 2004 |
Preparing school leaders for the 21st century SG Huber CRC Press, 2004 | 320 | 2004 |
Was wissen wir über schulische Lehr-Lern-Prozesse im Distanzunterricht während der Corona-Pandemie?–evidenz aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz C Helm, S Huber, T Loisinger Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft 24 (2), 237, 2021 | 251 | 2021 |
School leadership that makes a difference: International perspectives P Hallinger, S Huber School effectiveness and school improvement 23 (4), 359-367, 2012 | 214 | 2012 |
School leadership effectiveness: The growing insight in the importance of school leadership for the quality and development of schools and their pupils SG Huber, D Muijs School leadership-international perspectives, 57-77, 2010 | 203 | 2010 |
Lernen in zeiten der corona-pandemie SG Huber, C Helm Langsam vermisse ich die Schule, 37-60, 2020 | 189 | 2020 |
Developing school leaders: A critical review of current practices, approaches and issues, and some directions for the future SG Huber, M West Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration …, 2002 | 183 | 2002 |
Comparing effects and side effects of different school inspection systems across Europe MCM Ehren, JE Gustafsson, H Altrichter, G Skedsmo, D Kemethofer, ... Comparative education 51 (3), 375-400, 2015 | 160 | 2015 |
School leadership-international perspectives S Huber Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
The impact of professional development: a theoretical model for empirical research, evaluation, planning and conducting training and development programmes SG Huber Professional development in education 37 (5), 837-853, 2011 | 121 | 2011 |
A decade of research on school principals H Ärlestig, C Day, O Johansson Studies in educational leadership 21, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Multiple learning approaches in the professional development of school leaders–Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings on self-assessment and feedback SG Huber Educational management administration & leadership 41 (4), 527-540, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
School development and school leader development: New learning opportunities for school leaders and their schools SG Huber International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders …, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Schulleitung im Wandel: Anforderungen an eine ergebnisorientierte Führungskultur M Schratz, C Wiesner, D Kemethofer, AC George, E Rauscher, S Krenn, ... Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015 2, 221-262, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
Teacher evaluation—accountability and improving teaching practices SG Huber, G Skedsmo Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 28, 105-109, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Leadership for learning–Learning for leadership: The impact of professional development SG Huber International handbook of leadership for learning, 635-652, 2011 | 88 | 2011 |
The unintended consequences of school inspection: the prevalence of inspection side-effects in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and … KL Jones, P Tymms, D Kemethofer, J O’Hara, G McNamara, S Huber, ... Oxford Review of Education 43 (6), 805-822, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
The recruitment and selection of school leaders SG Huber, P Pashiardis International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders …, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |