Helen Wei Hu
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What drives firms’ intent to seek strategic assets by foreign direct investment? A study of emerging economy firms
L Cui, KE Meyer, HW Hu
Journal of World Business 49 (4), 488-501, 2014
Internal governance mechanisms and firm performance in China
HW Hu, OK Tam, MGS Tan
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27, 727-749, 2010
The Dark Side of Board Political Capital: Enabling Blockholder Rent Appropriation
P Sun, HW Hu, A Hillman
Academy of Management Journal 59 (5), 1801-1822, 2016
State capitalism and performance persistence of business group-affiliated firms: A comparative study of China and India
HW Hu, L Cui, PS Aulakh
Journal of International Business Studies 50 (2), 193-222, 2019
Outward foreign direct investment of publicly listed firms from China: A corporate governance perspective
HW Hu, L Cui
International Business Review 23 (4), 750-760, 2014
Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system
A Zattoni, MA Witt, WQ Judge, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Journal of World Business 52 (5), 628-639, 2017
Configurations of capacity for change in entrepreneurial threshold firms: Imprinting and strategic choice perspectives
WQ Judge, HW Hu, J Gabrielsson, T Talaulicar, MA Witt, A Zattoni, ...
Journal of Management Studies 52 (4), 506-530, 2015
Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross‐national sample: A multilevel knowledge‐based view
WQ Judge, MA Witt, A Zattoni, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1174-1185, 2015
Corporate political connections in global strategy
L Cui, HW Hu, S Li, KE Meyer
Global Strategy Journal 8 (3), 379-398, 2018
Manager or Politician? Effects of CEO Pay on the Performance of State-Controlled Chinese Listed Firms
HW Hu, D Xu
Journal of Management 48 (5), 1160-1187, 2022
What determines the severity of tunneling in China?
HW Hu, P Sun
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 36 (1), 161-184, 2019
Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter?
R Jin, X Jiang, HW Hu
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 40, 169-204, 2023
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Directors: An Integrated Framework of Director Role-Identity and Boardroom Structure
T Yoshikawa, HW Hu
Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1), 99-109, 2017
Are Chinese CEOs stewards or agents? revisiting the Agency–Stewardship debate
HW Hu, I Alon
Emerging market firms in the global economy 15, 255-277, 2014
The supervisory board in Chinese corporate governance
O Tam, H Hu
Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006
How do Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation Co-evolve with Organizational Forms? Evidence from a Transitional Economy
HW Hu, J Zhang
Journal of Business Ethics 186, 815-829, 2023
Independent directors in China and India: A comparative assessment
HW Hu, OK Tam
Company and Securities Law Journal 30 (2), 453-470, 2012
What governs directors’ monitoring behavior in China? The influence of director social identification, learning goal orientation, and avoidance orientation
A Capezio, L Cui, HW Hu, J Shields
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 31, 899-924, 2014
A tale of two distractions: How institutional forces influence R&D‐based problemistic search in transition economies
R Gao, JW Lu, HW Hu, G Martin
Journal of Product Innovation Management 40 (5), 657-678, 2023
CEO and board influence on corporate philanthropy in China
HW Hu, T Yoshikawa
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 12453, 2017
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