Ellen Waxler McGinnis
Ellen Waxler McGinnis
Assistant Professor of Social Sciences and Health Policy; and Pediatrics
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Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on College Student Mental Health and Wellness
WE Copeland, E McGinnis, Y Bai, Z Adams, H Nardone, V Devadanam, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 60 (1), 134 …, 2021
Mindfulness yoga during pregnancy for psychiatrically at-risk women: Preliminary results from a pilot feasibility study
M Muzik, SE Hamilton, KL Rosenblum, E Waxler, Z Hadi
Complementary therapies in clinical practice 18 (4), 235-240, 2012
Child Behavior Checklist Juvenile Bipolar Disorder (CBCL‐JBD) and CBCL Posttraumatic Stress Problems (CBCL‐PTSP) scales are measures of a single dysregulatory syndrome
L Ayer, R Althoff, M Ivanova, D Rettew, E Waxler, J Sulman, J Hudziak
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50 (10), 1291-1300, 2009
The roles of resilience and childhood trauma history: Main and moderating effects on postpartum maternal mental health and functioning
MB Sexton, L Hamilton, EW McGinnis, KL Rosenblum, M Muzik
Journal of affective disorders 174, 562-568, 2015
Maternal parenting predicts infant biobehavioral regulation among women with a history of childhood maltreatment
C Martinez-Torteya, CJ Dayton, M Beeghly, JS Seng, E McGinnis, ...
Development and psychopathology 26 (2), 379-392, 2014
Giving Voice to Vulnerable Children: Machine Learning Analysis of Speech Detects Anxiety and Depression in Early Childhood
EW McGinnis, SP Anderau, J Hruschak, RD Gurchiek, NL Lopez-Duran, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (6), 2294-2301, 2019
PTSD symptoms across pregnancy and early postpartum among women with lifetime PTSD diagnosis
M Muzik, EW McGinnis, E Bocknek, D Morelen, KL Rosenblum, I Liberzon, ...
Depression and anxiety 33 (7), 584-591, 2016
The role of infant sleep in intergenerational transmission of trauma
IS Hairston, E Waxler, JS Seng, AG Fezzey, KL Rosenblum, M Muzik
Sleep 34 (10), 1373-1383, 2011
Personality trait predictors of adjustment during the COVID pandemic among college students
DC Rettew, EW McGinnis, W Copeland, HY Nardone, Y Bai, J Rettew, ...
Plos one 16 (3), e0248895, 2021
Comorbid trajectories of postpartum depression and PTSD among mothers with childhood trauma history: Course, predictors, processes and child adjustment
W Oh, M Muzik, EW McGinnis, L Hamilton, RA Menke, KL Rosenblum
Journal of affective disorders 200, 133-141, 2016
Trait and state rumination interact to prolong cortisol activation to psychosocial stress in females
A Shull, SE Mayer, E McGinnis, E Geiss, I Vargas, NL Lopez-Duran
Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, 324-332, 2016
HPA-axis stress reactivity in youth depression: evidence of impaired regulatory processes in depressed boys
NL Lopez-Duran, E McGinnis, K Kuhlman, E Geiss, I Vargas, S Mayer
Stress 18 (5), 545-553, 2015
Rapid detection of internalizing diagnosis in young children enabled by wearable sensors and machine learning
RS McGinnis, EW McGinnis, J Hruschak, NL Lopez-Duran, K Fitzgerald, ...
PloS one 14 (1), e0210267, 2019
Rapid Anxiety and Depression Diagnosis in Young Children Enabled by Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning
RS McGinnis, EW McGinnis, J Hruschak, NL Lopez-Duran, K Fitzgerald, ...
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
Wearable sensors and machine learning diagnose anxiety and depression in young children
RS McGinnis, EW McGinnis, J Hruschak, NL Lopez-Duran, K Fitzgerald, ...
2018 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics …, 2018
Maternal perinatal depression-impact on infant and child development
E Waxler, K Thelen, M Muzik
European Psychiatric Review 4 (1), 41-47, 2011
Impact of dimensions of early adversity on adult health and functioning: A 2-decade, longitudinal study
EW McGinnis, M Sheridan, WE Copeland
Development and psychopathology 34 (2), 527-538, 2022
Early adversities accelerate epigenetic aging into adulthood: a 10‐year, within‐subject analysis
WE Copeland, L Shanahan, EW McGinnis, KA Aberg, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 63 (11), 1308-1315, 2022
Longitudinal examination of infant baseline and reactivity cortisol from ages 7 to 16 months
C Martinez‐Torteya, M Muzik, EW McGinnis, KL Rosenblum, EL Bocknek, ...
Developmental psychobiology 57 (3), 356-364, 2015
Movements Indicate Threat Response Phases in Children at Risk for Anxiety
EW McGinnis, RS McGinnis, M Muzik, J Hruschak, NL Lopez-Duran, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 21 (5), 1460-1465, 2016
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