Hexagonally Deformed Fermi Surface of the 3D Topological Insulator K Kuroda, M Arita, K Miyamoto, M Ye, J Jiang, A Kimura, EE Krasovskii, ...
Physical review letters 105 (7), 076802, 2010
367 2010 Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator <?format ?>Phase in Ternary Chalcogenide K Kuroda, M Ye, A Kimura, SV Eremeev, EE Krasovskii, EV Chulkov, ...
Physical review letters 105 (14), 146801, 2010
294 2010 Surface Scattering via Bulk Continuum States in the 3D Topological Insulator S Kim, M Ye, K Kuroda, Y Yamada, EE Krasovskii, EV Chulkov, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (5), 056803, 2011
195 2011 Experimental Verification of as a 3D Topological Insulator K Kuroda, H Miyahara, M Ye, SV Eremeev, YM Koroteev, EE Krasovskii, ...
Physical review letters 108 (20), 206803, 2012
139 2012 Strong Rashba-type spin polarization of the photocurrent from bulk continuum states: Experiment and theory for Bi (111) A Kimura, EE Krasovskii, R Nishimura, K Miyamoto, T Kadono, ...
Physical review letters 105 (7), 076804, 2010
132 2010 Origin of inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect detected at the Cu/Bi interface using lateral spin valves M Isasa, MC Martínez-Velarte, E Villamor, C Magén, L Morellón, ...
Physical Review B 93 (1), 014420, 2016
129 2016 Electronic structure of : A combined photoemission and inverse photoemission study M Traving, M Boehme, L Kipp, M Skibowski, F Starrost, EE Krasovskii, ...
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102 2017 Quasiparticle interference on the surface of Bi Se induced by cobalt adatom in the absence of ferromagnetic ordering M Ye, SV Eremeev, K Kuroda, EE Krasovskii, EV Chulkov, Y Takeda, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (20), 205317, 2012
89 2012 Augmented Fourier components method for constructing the crystal potential in self-consistent band-structure calculations EE Krasovskii, F Starrost, W Schattke
Physical Review B 59 (16), 10504, 1999
89 1999 Elastic scattering effects in the electron mean free path in a graphite overlayer studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and LEED N Barrett, EE Krasovskii, JM Themlin, VN Strocov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (3), 035427, 2005
76 2005 Augmented-plane-wave approach to scattering of Bloch electrons by an interface EE Krasovskii
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (24), 245322, 2004
67 2004 Combined photoemission and inverse photoemission study of M Traving, T Seydel, L Kipp, M Skibowski, F Starrost, EE Krasovskii, ...
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62 2001 Accuracy and convergence properties of the extended linear augmented-plane-wave method EE Krasovskii
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62 1997 Intensity–voltage low‐energy electron microscopy for functional materials characterization JI Flege, EE Krasovskii
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58 1997 Emerging 2D-ferromagnetism and strong spin-orbit coupling at the surface of valence-fluctuating EuIr2 Si2 S Schulz, IA Nechaev, M Güttler, G Poelchen, A Generalov, ...
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57 2019 Self-limited oxide formation in Ni (111) oxidation JI Flege, A Meyer, J Falta, EE Krasovskii
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (11), 115441, 2011
56 2011 Three-dimensional band structure of layered : Photoemission final-state effects VN Strocov, EE Krasovskii, W Schattke, N Barrett, H Berger, D Schrupp, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (19), 195125, 2006
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