James J Giocomo
James J Giocomo
Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture
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Partners in flight landbird conservation plan: 2016 revision for Canada and continental United States
KV Rosenberg, JA Kennedy, R Dettmers, RP Ford, D Reynolds, ...
Partners in Flight Science Committee, 2016
Cerulean Warbler reproduction, survival, and models of population decline
DA Buehler, JJ Giocomo, J Jones, PB Hamel, CM Rogers, TA Beachy, ...
Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (3), 646-653, 2008
Nesting biology of grassland birds at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Tennessee
JJ Giocomo, ED Moss, DA Buehler, WG Minser
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (1), 111-119, 2008
Conservation of grassland bird populations on military installations in the eastern United States with special emphasis on Fort Campbell Army Base, Kentucky
JJ Giocomo
16 The Role of Joint Ventures in Bridging the Gap between Research and Management
JJ Giocomo, M Gustafson, JN Duberstein, C Boyd
Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management, 239, 2012
Strategic Habitat Conservation for Declining Grassland Wildlife Populations in the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture
J Giocomo, J Hayes, K Gee, J Raasch, R Perez
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 21, 2017
Integrating grassland and shrubland bird conservation with the Northern Bobwhite conservation Initiative for the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region
JJ Giocomo, DA Buehler, J Fitzgerald
Proceedings of the International Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to …, 2009
Data-driven planning for the conservation of grassland birds in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region
CJ Joos, JA Fitzgerald, CM Lituma, JJ Giocomo, L Heggemann
Full Issue, 159, 2017
How many are there
J Giocomo, W Vermillion, S DeMaso, A Panjabi
Full Issue, 156, 2017
How Many Are There? Estimating the North American Northern Bobwhite Population Size for Conservation Planning Purposes
J Giocomo, W Vermillion, S DeMaso, A Panjabi
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 36, 2017
Response of Grassland Birds to Agricultural Intensity at Different Spatial Scales in Texas
A Matthews, MC Green, J Giocomo
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 43, 2017
Response of grassland birds to agricultural intensity at different spatial scales
A Matthews, MC Green, J Giocomo
Full Issue, 165, 2017
Utility of fine resolution land cover data for modeling northern bobwhite
N Jaffe, T O’Connell, J Giocomo
Full Issue, 163, 2017
Evaluation of land restoration
D Belleny, H Mathewson, J Breeden, J Tomecek, TW Schwertner, ...
Full Issue, 257, 2017
Utility of Fine Resolution Land Cover Data for Modeling Northern Bobwhite Abundance in the Oaks and Prairies of Oklahoma
N Jaffe, T O'Connell, J Giocomo
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 41, 2017
Evaluation of Land Restoration Practices on Northern Bobwhite Productivity in North-Central Texas: Preliminary Results
D Belleny, H Mathewson, J Breeden, J Tomeček, TW Schwertner, ...
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 66, 2017
A Method for Setting Northern Bobwhite Population and Habitat Objectives for Large Landscape Partnerships
J Giocomo, W Vermillion, S DeMaso, B Wilson, J Hayes, K Gee, J Franco, ...
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8 (1), 37, 2017
Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program
DA Buehler, JJ Giocomo, MD Hinnebusch
Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program
JJ Giocomo, DA Buehler
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