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Gabor CsanyiProfessor of Molecular Modelling, Engineering Laboratory, University of CambridgeE-mail confirmado em cam.ac.uk
Mitchell LuskinProfessor of Mathematics, University of MinnesotaE-mail confirmado em umn.edu
Endre SuliProfessor of Numerical Analysis, University of OxfordE-mail confirmado em maths.ox.ac.uk
Huajie ChenBeijing Normal UniversityE-mail confirmado em bnu.edu.cn
James KermodeProfessor of Materials Modelling, School of Engineering, University of WarwickE-mail confirmado em warwick.ac.uk
Lei ZhangInstitute of Natural Sciences and School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityE-mail confirmado em sjtu.edu.cn
Alexander ShapeevSkolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em shapeev.com
Thomas HudsonWarwick Mathematics Institute, University of WarwickE-mail confirmado em warwick.ac.uk
Dirk PraetoriusProfessor of Numerics of PDEs, TU WienE-mail confirmado em asc.tuwien.ac.at
Xingjie LiUNC at CharlotteE-mail confirmado em uncc.edu
Letif MonesDirector of Algorithmic Trading, Solea EnergyE-mail confirmado em soleaenergy.com
Nick GouldSTFC-Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Christopher J. LarsenWorcester Polytechnic InstituteE-mail confirmado em wpi.edu
annalisa buffaInstitute of mathematics, EPFLE-mail confirmado em epfl.ch
Winnifried WollnerUniversität HamburgE-mail confirmado em uni-hamburg.de
Matteo NegriAssociate Professor of Mathematical Analysis, University of PaviaE-mail confirmado em unipv.it
Jianfeng Lu 鲁剑锋Department of Mathematics, Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Duke UniversityE-mail confirmado em math.duke.edu
Harold S ParkProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, Boston UniversityE-mail confirmado em bu.edu
Alexander MielkeWeierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und StochastikE-mail confirmado em wias-berlin.de
Antoine LevittUniversité Paris SaclayE-mail confirmado em universite-paris-saclay.fr