Tarja Nikula
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Language use and language learning in CLIL classrooms
C Dalton-Puffer, U Smit, T Nikula
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010
You Can Stand Under My Umbrella”: Immersion, CLIL and Bilingual Education. A Response to Cenoz, Genesee & Gorter (2013)
C Dalton-Puffer, A Llinares, F Lorenzo, T Nikula
Applied linguistics 35 (2), 213-218, 2014
Exploring translanguaging in CLIL
T Nikula, P Moore
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 22 (2), 237-249, 2019
Young people's translocal new media uses: A multiperspective analysis of language choice and heteroglossia
S Leppänen, A Pitkänen-Huhta, A Piirainen-Marsh, T Nikula, S Peuronen
Journal of Computer-mediated communication 14 (4), 1080-1107, 2009
Conceptualising integration in CLIL and multilingual education
T Nikula, E Dafouz, P Moore, U Smit
Multilingual Matters, 2016
CLIL classroom discourse: Research from Europe
T Nikula, C Dalton-Puffer, AL García
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 1 (1), 70-100, 2013
National survey on the English language in Finland: Uses, meanings and attitudes
S Leppänen, A Pitkänen-Huhta, T Nikula, S Kytölä, T Törmäkangas, ...
Studies in variation, contacts and change in English 5, 2011
Pragmatics of content-based instruction: Teacher and student directives in Finnish and Austrian classrooms
C Dalton-Puffer, T Nikula
Applied Linguistics 27 (2), 241-267, 2006
Kansallinen kyselytutkimus englannin kielestä Suomessa: Käyttö, merkitys ja asenteet
S Leppänen, A Pitkänen-Huhta, T Nikula, S Kytölä, T Törmäkangas, ...
Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities, 2009
Speaking English in Finnish content‐based classrooms
T Nikula
World Englishes 26 (2), 206-223, 2007
Implicit policy, invisible language: Policies and practices of international degree programmes in Finnish higher education
T Saarinen, T Nikula
English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges 149, 131-150, 2013
Pragmatic force modifiers: a study in interlanguage pragmatics
T Nikula
University of Jyväskylä, 1996
Diverse uses of English in Finnish society: Discourse-pragmatic insights into media, educational and business contexts
S Leppänen, T Nikula
Walter de Gruyter 26 (4), 333-380, 2007
English as an object and tool of study in classrooms: Interactional effects and pragmatic implications
T Nikula
Linguistics and Education 16 (1), 27-58, 2005
Charting policies, premises and research on content and language integrated learning
C Dalton-Puffer, T Nikula, U Smit
Language use and language learning in CLIL classrooms, 1-20, 2010
Interlanguage view on hedging
T Nikula
Research in Text Theory, 188-207, 1997
Identity construction in ELF contexts: A case study of Finnish engineering students working in Germany
T Virkkula, T Nikula
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 20 (2), 251-273, 2010
Hands-on tasks in CLIL science classrooms as sites for subject-specific language use and learning
T Nikula
System 54, 14-27, 2015
Effects of CLIL on a teacher’s classroom language use
T Nikula
Language use and language learning in CLIL classrooms, 105-124, 2010
More than content and language: The complexity of integration in CLIL and bilingual education
T Nikula, C Dalton-Puffer, A Llinares, F Lorenzo
Conceptualising integration in CLIL and multilingual education 101 (1 …, 2016
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