Eating difficulties, need for assisted eating, nutritional status and pressure ulcers in patients admitted for stroke rehabilitation A Westergren, S Karlsson, P Andersson, O Ohlsson, IR Hallberg Journal of clinical nursing 10 (2), 257-269, 2001 | 304 | 2001 |
Old people in pain: a comparative study U Jakobsson, R Klevsgård, A Westergren, IR Hallberg Journal of pain and symptom management 26 (1), 625-636, 2003 | 268 | 2003 |
Statistical methods for assessing agreement for ordinal data U Jakobsson, A Westergren Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 19 (4), 427-431, 2005 | 250 | 2005 |
Overall and health related quality of life among the oldest old in pain U Jakobsson, IR Hallberg, A Westergren Quality of life research 13, 125-136, 2004 | 218 | 2004 |
Detection of eating difficulties after stroke: a systematic review A Westergren International nursing review 53 (2), 143-149, 2006 | 183 | 2006 |
Symptoms of urinary and faecal incontinence among men and women 75+ in relations to health complaints and quality of life K Stenzelius, A Mattiasson, IR Hallberg, A Westergren Neurourology and urodynamics 23 (3), 211-222, 2004 | 170 | 2004 |
Eating difficulties, assisted eating and nutritional status in elderly (⩾ 65 years) patients in hospital rehabilitation A Westergren, M Unosson, O Ohlsson, B Lorefält, IR Hallberg International journal of nursing studies 39 (3), 341-351, 2002 | 149 | 2002 |
Home‐Living Elderly People′ s Views on Food and Meals E Edfors, A Westergren Journal of aging research 2012 (1), 761291, 2012 | 147 | 2012 |
Eating difficulties, complications and nursing interventions during a period of three months after a stroke A Westergren, O Ohlsson, IR Hallberg Journal of advanced nursing 35 (3), 416-426, 2001 | 129 | 2001 |
Female university students’ physical activity levels and associated factors—a cross-sectional study in southwestern Saudi Arabia A Khalaf, Ö Ekblom, J Kowalski, V Berggren, A Westergren, H Al-Hazzaa International journal of environmental research and public health 10 (8 …, 2013 | 127 | 2013 |
Sample size and statistical conclusions from tests of fit to the Rasch model according to the Rasch unidimensional measurement model (Rumm) program in health outcome measurement. P Hagell, A Westergren Journal of applied measurement 17 (4), 416-431, 2016 | 126 | 2016 |
Oral health and nutritional status in a group of geriatric rehabilitation patients P Andersson, A Westergren, S Karlsson, I Rahm Hallberg, S Renvert Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 16 (3), 311-318, 2002 | 119 | 2002 |
Assessment of burden among family caregivers of people with Parkinson's disease using the zarit burden interview P Hagell, A Alvariza, A Westergren, K Årestedt Journal of pain and symptom management 53 (2), 272-278, 2017 | 110 | 2017 |
Construct validity of the SF‐12 in three different samples U Jakobsson, A Westergren, S Lindskov, P Hagell Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 18 (3), 560-566, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
Patterns of health complaints among people 75+ in relation to quality of life and need of help K Stenzelius, A Westergren, G Thorneman, IR Hallberg Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 40 (1), 85-102, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Integrating sustainability in higher education: a Swedish case D Argento, D Einarson, L Mårtensson, C Persson, K Wendin, ... International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 21 (6), 1131-1150, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
Malnutrition prevalence and precision in nutritional care differed in relation to hospital volume–a cross-sectional survey A Westergren, C Wann-Hansson, EB Börgdal, J Sjölander, R Strömblad, ... Nutrition journal 8, 1-8, 2009 | 100 | 2009 |
Prevalence of eating difficulties and malnutrition among persons within hospital care and special accommodations A Westergren, C Lindholm, C Axelsson, K Ulander The Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging 12, 39-43, 2008 | 100 | 2008 |
Beware of the origin of numbers: Standard scoring of the SF‐12 and SF‐36 summary measures distorts measurement and score interpretations P Hagell, A Westergren, K Årestedt Research in nursing & health 40 (4), 378-386, 2017 | 96 | 2017 |
The impact of living with Parkinson’s disease: balancing within a web of needs and demands C Sjödahl Hammarlund, A Westergren, I Åström, AK Edberg, P Hagell Parkinson’s Disease 2018 (1), 4598651, 2018 | 91 | 2018 |