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Rumiana DimovaGroup leader, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, GermanyE-mail confirmado em mpikg.mpg.de
Naresh YandrapalliMax Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and GeneticsE-mail confirmado em mpi-cbg.de
Petra DittrichETH ZurichE-mail confirmado em bsse.ethz.ch
Reinhard LipowskyMax Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, PotsdamE-mail confirmado em mpikg.mpg.de
Paul FrenchProfessor of Physics, Imperial College LondonE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
T-Y Dora TangMPI-CBGE-mail confirmado em mpi-cbg.de
Hannes MutschlerTU Dortmund UniversityE-mail confirmado em tu-dortmund.de
Jan SteinkühlerW1 Professor Bio-inspired Computation CAU KielE-mail confirmado em tf.uni-kiel.de
Petra SchwilleDirector, MPI of BiochemistryE-mail confirmado em biochem.mpg.de
Tanja Vidakovic-KochHead of Electrochemical Energy Conversion at Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, MagdeburgE-mail confirmado em mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
Seraphine WegnerUniversity of Münster, Institute for Physiological Chemistry and PathobiochemistryE-mail confirmado em exchange.wwu.de
David T. Gonzales, PhDJadel Research CenterE-mail confirmado em jrci.com.ph
Geoff S. BaldwinProfessor of Synthetic & Molecular Biology, Imperial College LondonE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Florian HollfelderUniversity of CambridgeE-mail confirmado em cam.ac.uk
Schaerli YolandaUniversity of Lausanne, Department of Fundamental MicrobiologyE-mail confirmado em unil.ch
Tobias J. ErbMax Planck Institute for terrestrial MicrobiologyE-mail confirmado em mpi-marburg.mpg.de
Stephan HerminghausMax-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, GöttingenE-mail confirmado em ds.mpg.de
Kai SundmacherProfessor of Process Systems Engineering, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex TechnicalE-mail confirmado em mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de
Jean-Christophe BaretUniv. Bordeaux, CNRS, CRPP, UMR5031 & Institut Universitaire de FranceE-mail confirmado em u-bordeaux.fr
AA HymanMax Planck institute of molecular cell biology and geneticsE-mail confirmado em mpi-cbg.de
Dr. Tom Robinson
Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh
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