David McNaughton
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Communicative competence for individuals who require augmentative and alternative communication: A new definition for a new era of communication?
J Light, D McNaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 30 (1), 1-18, 2014
The iPad and mobile technology revolution: Benefits and challenges for individuals who require augmentative and alternative communication
D McNaughton, J Light
Augmentative and alternative communication 29 (2), 107-116, 2013
Communication partner instruction in AAC: Present practices and future directions
J Kent-Walsh, D Mcnaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 21 (3), 195-204, 2005
Supporting the communication, language, and literacy development of children with complex communication needs: State of the science and future research priorities
J Light, D McNaughton
Assistive technology 24 (1), 34-44, 2012
The changing face of augmentative and alternative communication: Past, present, and future challenges
J Light, D McNaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 28 (4), 197-204, 2012
“A child needs to be given a chance to succeed”: Parents of individuals who use AAC describe the benefits and challenges of learning AAC technologies
D McNaughton, T Rackensperger, E Benedek-Wood, C Krezman, ...
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 24 (1), 43-55, 2008
Designing AAC research and intervention to improve outcomes for individuals with complex communication needs
J Light, D Mcnaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 31 (2), 85-96, 2015
Learning to listen: Teaching an active listening strategy to preservice education professionals
D McNaughton, D Hamlin, J McCarthy, D Head-Reeves, M Schreiner
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 27 (4), 223, 2008
New and emerging AAC technology supports for children with complex communication needs and their communication partners: State of the science and future research directions
J Light, D McNaughton, J Caron
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 35 (1), 26-41, 2019
Measuring parent satisfaction with early childhood intervention programs
D McNaughton
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 14 (1), 26-48, 1994
AAC modeling intervention research review
SC Sennott, JC Light, D McNaughton
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 41 (2), 101-115, 2016
“All Children Can and Should Have the Opportunity to Learn”: General Education Teachers' Perspectives on Including Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder who Require AAC
EH Finke, EH Finke, DB McNaughton, KDR Drager
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 25 (2), 110-122, 2009
Challenges and opportunities in augmentative and alternative communication: Research and technology development to enhance communication and participation for individuals with …
J Light, D McNaughton, D Beukelman, SK Fager, M Fried-Oken, T Jakobs, ...
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 35 (1), 1-12, 2019
Putting people first: Re-thinking the role of technology in augmentative and alternative communication intervention
J Light, D McNaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 29 (4), 299-309, 2013
Effects of AAC interventions on communication and language for young children with complex communication needs
K Drager, J Light, D McNaughton
Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine 3 (4), 303-310, 2010
AAC technologies to enhance participation and access to meaningful societal roles for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities who require AAC
D Mcnaughton, DN Bryen
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 23 (3), 217-229, 2007
" Home is at work and work is at home": Telework and individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication
D McNaughton, T Rackensperger, D Dorn, N Wilson
Work 48 (1), 117-126, 2014
“Reach for the stars”: Five principles for the next 25 years of AAC
MB Williams, C Krezman, D McNaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 24 (3), 194-206, 2008
“When I first got it, I wanted to throw it off a cliff”: The challenges and benefits of learning AAC technologies as described by adults who use AAC
T Rackensperger, C Krezman, D Mcnaughton, MB Williams, K D'silva
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 21 (3), 165-186, 2005
'Getting your wheel in the door': successful full-time employment experiences of individuals with cerebral palsy who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication
D McNaughton, J Light, K Arnold
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 18 (2), 59-76, 2002
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