Amir Beck
Amir Beck
Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
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A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems
A Beck, M Teboulle
SIAM journal on imaging sciences 2 (1), 183-202, 2009
Fast gradient-based algorithms for constrained total variation image denoising and deblurring problems
A Beck, M Teboulle
IEEE transactions on image processing 18 (11), 2419-2434, 2009
First-order methods in optimization
A Beck
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2017
Mirror descent and nonlinear projected subgradient methods for convex optimization
A Beck, M Teboulle
Operations Research Letters 31 (3), 167-175, 2003
On the convergence of block coordinate descent type methods
A Beck, L Tetruashvili
SIAM journal on Optimization 23 (4), 2037-2060, 2013
Exact and approximate solutions of source localization problems
A Beck, P Stoica, J Li
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 56 (5), 1770-1778, 2008
A sequential parametric convex approximation method with applications to nonconvex truss topology design problems
A Beck, A Ben-Tal, L Tetruashvili
Journal of Global Optimization 47, 29-51, 2010
Gradient-based algorithms with applications to signal-recovery problems.
A Beck, M Teboulle
Convex optimization in signal processing and communications, 42-88, 2010
GESPAR: Efficient phase retrieval of sparse signals
Y Shechtman, A Beck, YC Eldar
IEEE transactions on signal processing 62 (4), 928-938, 2014
Sparsity constrained nonlinear optimization: Optimality conditions and algorithms
A Beck, YC Eldar
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (3), 1480-1509, 2013
Introduction to nonlinear optimization: Theory, algorithms, and applications with MATLAB
A Beck
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014
Smoothing and first order methods: A unified framework
A Beck, M Teboulle
SIAM Journal on Optimization 22 (2), 557-580, 2012
A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with application to wavelet-based image deblurring
A Beck, M Teboulle
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Strong duality in nonconvex quadratic optimization with two quadratic constraints
A Beck, YC Eldar
SIAM Journal on optimization 17 (3), 844-860, 2006
On the convergence of alternating minimization for convex programming with applications to iteratively reweighted least squares and decomposition schemes
A Beck
SIAM Journal on Optimization 25 (1), 185-209, 2015
Duality in robust optimization: primal worst equals dual best
A Beck, A Ben-Tal
Operations Research Letters 37 (1), 1-6, 2009
An Gradient Method for Network Resource Allocation Problems
A Beck, A Nedić, A Ozdaglar, M Teboulle
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 1 (1), 64-73, 2014
Global optimality conditions for quadratic optimization problems with binary constraints
A Beck, M Teboulle
SIAM journal on optimization 11 (1), 179-188, 2000
On the solution of the Tikhonov regularization of the total least squares problem
A Beck, A Ben-Tal
SIAM Journal on Optimization 17 (1), 98-118, 2006
Weiszfeld’s method: Old and new results
A Beck, S Sabach
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 164, 1-40, 2015
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