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Tao LeiShaanxi University of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em sust.edu.cn
Vicente ZarzosoI3S Laboratory, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRSE-mail confirmado em univ-cotedazur.fr
H O A AhmedResearch Fellow in Advanced 3D Imaging and Big Data Analytics at Brunel University LondonE-mail confirmado em brunel.ac.uk
Zhechen ZhuSoochow UniversityE-mail confirmado em suda.edu.cn
Hongying Meng (孟鸿鹰)Professor, Brunel University LondonE-mail confirmado em brunel.ac.uk
Rui FaElsevierE-mail confirmado em elsevier.com
Basel Abu-JamousNucleome TherapeuticsE-mail confirmado em nucleome.com
M. L. Dennis WongNewcastle UniversityE-mail confirmado em newcastle.ac.uk
David J RobertsUniversity of Oxford and NHS Blood and TransplantE-mail confirmado em ndcls.ox.ac.uk
waqar aslamMirpur University of Science & Technology, Pakistan.E-mail confirmado em must.edu.pk
shafayat abrarHabib UniversityE-mail confirmado em sse.habib.edu.pk
Tapani RistaniemiProfessorE-mail confirmado em jyu.fi
Fengyu CongProfessor, Dalian University of Technology, China; Docent, University of Jyvaskyla, FinlandE-mail confirmado em dlut.edu.cn
Waleed Al-NuaimyUniversity of LiverpoolE-mail confirmado em liverpool.ac.uk
Tingting MuComputer Science, University of ManchesterE-mail confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Sergio Bravo-SolorioDeipi.com S.A. de C.V.E-mail confirmado em deipi.com
Yaguo Lei / 雷亚国ASME Fellow, IET Fellow, Professor, the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityE-mail confirmado em mail.xjtu.edu.cn
Rangaraj M. RangayyanProfessor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of CalgaryE-mail confirmado em ucalgary.ca
Alfonso Rojas-DomínguezSECIHTI.MX (previously CONAHCYT) - Computing Research Center (CIC - IPN)E-mail confirmado em conacyt.mx
Naipeng LiXi'an Jiaotong UniversityE-mail confirmado em mail.xjtu.edu.cn
Professor Asoke K. Nandi
Chair and Head of Electronic and Computer Engineering
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