Lisa Hasenbein
Lisa Hasenbein
German Youth Institute (DJI)
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Digital transformations of classrooms in virtual reality
H Gao, E Bozkir, L Hasenbein, JU Hahn, R Göllner, E Kasneci
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Learning with simulated virtual classmates: Effects of social-related configurations on students’ visual attention and learning experiences in an immersive virtual reality …
L Hasenbein, P Stark, U Trautwein, ACM Queiroz, J Bailenson, JU Hahn, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 133, 107282, 2022
Exploiting object-of-interest information to understand attention in VR classrooms
E Bozkir, P Stark, H Gao, L Hasenbein, JU Hahn, E Kasneci, R Göllner
2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 597-605, 2021
Exploring gender differences in computational thinking learning in a vr classroom: Developing machine learning models using eye-tracking data and explaining the models
H Gao, L Hasenbein, E Bozkir, R Göllner, E Kasneci
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 33 (4), 929-954, 2023
Exploiting Object-of-Interest Information to Understand Attention in VR Classrooms. In 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 597–605
E Bozkir, P Stark, H Gao, L Hasenbein, JU Hahn, E Kasneci, R Göllner
Evaluating the effects of virtual human animation on students in an immersive vr classroom using eye movements
H Gao, L Hasenbein, E Bozkir, R Göllner, E Kasneci
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2022
Investigating social comparison behaviour in an immersive virtual reality classroom based on eye-movement data
L Hasenbein, P Stark, U Trautwein, H Gao, E Kasneci, R Göllner
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 14672, 2023
Geschichtsdidaktische Forschung und allgemeine Unterrichtsforschung: Unbekannte Verwandte?
U Trautwein, W Schreiber, L Hasenbein
Unterrichtswissenschaft 49 (2), 261-272, 2021
An experimental test of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect using an immersive virtual reality classroom
L Hasenbein, U Trautwein, JU Hahn, S Soller, R Göllner
Instructional Science 52 (4), 583-612, 2024
Gaze-based attention network analysis in a virtual reality classroom
P Stark, L Hasenbein, E Kasneci, R Göllner
MethodsX 12, 102662, 2024
Understanding climate change through collaborative versus individual inquiry with constructive or example-based scaffolds
S Bichler, S Richards, L Hasenbein, M Linn, F Fischer
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2019
Teilhabe durch historische Kompetenzen. Die KLUG-Konzeption einer evidenzbasierten Lehrkräftebildung für inklusiven Geschichtsunterricht
C Hillenbrand, M Schulden, V Pöchmüller, L Hasenbein, S Sachenbacher, ...
Waxmann 3, 115-130, 2022
Social comparisons in the classroom revisited: insights into underlying processes using immersive virtual reality as a research tool
LC Hasenbein
Universität Tübingen, 2021
Zwischen Fremd-und Selbstbestimmung: Zur Lebenssituation von trans und nicht-binären Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland; Abschlussbericht
EM Stemmer, M Gavranić, L Hasenbein, J Pothmann, F Eggers
DEU, 2024
Emotion-modulated recall: Congruency effects of nonverbal facial and vocal cues on semantic recall
A Herrera-Bennett, S Puah, L Hasenbein, D Wildgruber
Collabra: Psychology 8 (1), 31601, 2022
Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben inklusiv Geschichte lehren: Ein blended learning-Konzept für die Lehrkräftefortbildung (KLUG): Final report on the collaborative project …
W Schreiber, U Trautwein, C Hillenbrand, S Sachenbacher, L Hasenbein, ...
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 2022
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