A review on the human health impact of airborne particulate matter KH Kim, E Kabir, S Kabir Environment international 74, 136-143, 2015 | 3260 | 2015 |
Solar energy: Potential and future prospects E Kabir, P Kumar, S Kumar, AA Adelodun, KH Kim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 894-900, 2018 | 2651 | 2018 |
A review of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their human health effects KH Kim, SA Jahan, E Kabir, RJC Brown Environment international 60, 71-80, 2013 | 2614 | 2013 |
Exposure to pesticides and the associated human health effects KH Kim, E Kabir, SA Jahan Science of the total environment 575, 525-535, 2017 | 2275 | 2017 |
A review on the distribution of Hg in the environment and its human health impacts KH Kim, E Kabir, SA Jahan Journal of hazardous materials 306, 376-385, 2016 | 525 | 2016 |
Airborne bioaerosols and their impact on human health SAJ Ki-Hyun Kim, Ehsanul Kabir Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017 | 524* | 2017 |
A review on human health perspective of air pollution with respect to allergies and asthma KH Kim, SA Jahan, E Kabir Environment international 59, 41-52, 2013 | 452 | 2013 |
A review of breath analysis for diagnosis of human health KH Kim, SA Jahan, E Kabir TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 33, 1-8, 2012 | 387 | 2012 |
A review of diseases associated with household air pollution due to the use of biomass fuels KH Kim, SA Jahan, E Kabir Journal of hazardous materials 192 (2), 425-431, 2011 | 327 | 2011 |
Environmental impacts of nanomaterials E Kabir, V Kumar, KH Kim, ACK Yip, JR Sohn Journal of Environmental Management 225, 261-271, 2018 | 261 | 2018 |
Current status of trace metal pollution in soils affected by industrial activities E Kabir, S Ray, KH Kim, HO Yoon, EC Jeon, YS Kim, YS Cho, ST Yun, ... The Scientific World Journal 2012 (1), 916705, 2012 | 205 | 2012 |
A Review of the Consequences of Global Climate Change on Human Health EK Ki-Hyun Kim Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental …, 2014 | 171 | 2014 |
The use of personal hair dye and its implications for human health SAJ Ki-Hyun Kim, Ehsanul Kabir Environment international 89, 222-227, 2016 | 139 | 2016 |
An investigation on hazardous and odorous pollutant emission during cooking activities E Kabir, KH Kim Journal of hazardous materials 188 (1-3), 443-454, 2011 | 134 | 2011 |
The modern paradox of unregulated cooking activities and indoor air quality KH Kim, SK Pandey, E Kabir, J Susaya, RJC Brown Journal of Hazardous materials 195, 1-10, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Social Impacts of Solar Home Systems in Rural Areas: A Case Study in Bangladesh KHKJES Ehsanul Kabir Energies, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Barbecue charcoal combustion as a potential source of aromatic volatile organic compounds and carbonyls E Kabir, KH Kim, JW Ahn, OF Hong, JR Sohn Journal of hazardous materials 174 (1-3), 492-499, 2010 | 90 | 2010 |
Indoor air quality assessment in child care and medical facilities in Korea E Kabir, KH Kim, JR Sohn, BY Kweon, JH Shin Environmental monitoring and assessment 184, 6395-6409, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
Waterpipe tobacco smoking and its human health impacts KH Kim, E Kabir, SA Jahan Journal of hazardous materials 317, 229-236, 2016 | 64 | 2016 |
Trace metal contents in barbeque (BBQ) charcoal products E Kabir, KH Kim, HO Yoon Journal of hazardous materials 185 (2-3), 1418-1424, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |