Miquel À. Cugueró-Escofet
Miquel À. Cugueró-Escofet
Polytechnic University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (UPC)
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Leak localization in water networks: A model-based methodology using pressure sensors applied to a real network in Barcelona [applications of control]
R Perez, G Sanz, V Puig, J Quevedo, MAC Escofet, F Nejjari, J Meseguer, ...
IEEE control systems magazine 34 (4), 24-36, 2014
Leakage location in water distribution networks based on correlation measurement of pressure sensors
JJ Quevedo Casín, MÀ Cugueró Escofet, R Pérez Magrané, ...
IWA Symposium on System Analysis and Integrated Assessment, 290-297, 2011
Optimal pressure sensor placement and assessment for leak location using a relaxed isolation index: Application to the Barcelona water network
MA Cuguero-Escofet, V Puig, J Quevedo
Control Engineering Practice 63, 1-12, 2017
Combining learning in model space fault diagnosis with data validation/reconstruction: Application to the Barcelona water network
J Quevedo, H Chen, MÀ Cugueró, P Tino, V Puig, D Garciá, R Sarrate, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 30, 18-29, 2014
Chlorine decay model calibration and comparison: application to a real water network
F Nejjari, V Puig, R Pérez, J Quevedo, MA Cugueró, G Sanz, JM Mirats
Procedia Engineering 70, 1221-1230, 2014
A methodology and a software tool for sensor data validation/reconstruction: Application to the Catalonia regional water network
MÀ Cugueró-Escofet, D García, J Quevedo, V Puig, S Espin, J Roquet
Control Engineering Practice 49, 159-172, 2016
Assessment of a leak localization algorithm in water networks under demand uncertainty
P Cugueró-Escofet, J Blesa, R Pérez, MA Cuguero-Escofet, G Sanz
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 226-231, 2015
Accuracy assessment of leak localisation method depending on available measurements
R Pérez, MA Cugueró, J Cugueró, G Sanz
Procedia Engineering 70, 1304-1313, 2014
Leakage isolation in water distribution networks: a comparative study of two methodologies on a real case study
R Pérez, J Quevedo, V Puig, F Nejjari, MA Cuguero, G Sanz, J Mirats
19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2011
Optimised blending for anaerobic co-digestion using ant colony approach: Besòs river basin case study
D Palma-Heredia, M Verdaguer, M Molinos-Senante, M Poch, ...
Renewable Energy 168, 141-150, 2021
Model-vs. data-based approaches applied to fault diagnosis in potable water supply networks
MÀ Cugueró-Escofet, J Quevedo, C Alippi, M Roveri, V Puig, D García, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 18 (5), 831-850, 2016
Parameter uncertainty modelling in water distribution network models
R Pérez, G Sanz, MÀ Cugueró, J Blesa, J Cugueró
Procedia Engineering 119, 583-592, 2015
Comparison of optimisation algorithms for centralised anaerobic co-digestion in a real river basin case study in Catalonia
D Palma-Heredia, M Verdaguer, V Puig, M Poch, MÀ Cugueró-Escofet
Sensors 22 (5), 1857, 2022
Study of the isolability of leaks in a network depending on calibration of demands
R Pérez, F Nejjari, V Puig, J Quevedo, G Sanz, M Cugueró, A Peralta
11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water …, 2011
Robust identification and feedback design: An active noise control case study
RS Sánchez-Peña, MA Cugueró, A Masip, J Quevedo, V Puig
Control Engineering Practice 16 (11), 1265-1274, 2008
Abnormal quality detection and isolation in water distribution networks using simulation models
F Nejjari, R Pérez, V Puig, J Quevedo, R Sarrate, MA Cugueró, G Sanz, ...
Drinking Water Engineering and Science 5 (1), 67-72, 2012
Implementation of a decision support system for sewage sludge management
D Palma-Heredia, M Poch, MÀ Cugueró-Escofet
Sustainability 12 (21), 9089, 2020
Optimal pressure sensor placement for leak localisation using a relaxed isolation index: Application to the Barcelona water network
MA Cugueró-Escofet, V Puig, J Quevedo, J Blesa
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 1108-1113, 2015
Interoperating data-driven and model-driven techniques for the automated development of intelligent environmental decision support systems
J Pascual-Pañach, MÀ Cugueró-Escofet, M Sànchez-Marrè
Environmental Modelling & Software 140, 105021, 2021
Big data analytics and knowledge discovery applied to automatic meter readers
D Garcia, V Puig, J Quevedo, MA Cugueró
Real-time monitoring and operational control of drinking-water systems, 401-423, 2017
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Artigos 1–20