Sebastian Hergeth
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Keep your scanners peeled: Gaze behavior as a measure of automation trust during highly automated driving
S Hergeth, L Lorenz, R Vilimek, JF Krems
Human factors 58 (3), 509-519, 2016
Prior Familiarization With Takeover Requests Affects Drivers’ Takeover Performance and Automation Trust
S Hergeth, L Lorenz, JF Krems
Human Factors, 2016
Towards guidelines and verification methods for automated vehicle HMIs
F Naujoks, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, S Hergeth, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 121-136, 2019
Take-over performance in evasive manoeuvres
R Happee, C Gold, J Radlmayr, S Hergeth, K Bengler
Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 211-222, 2017
User education in automated driving: Owner’s manual and interactive tutorial support mental model formation and human-automation interaction
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, J Krems, A Keinath
Information 10 (4), 143, 2019
Effects of Take-Over Requests and Cultural Background on Automation Trust in Highly Automated Driving
S Hergeth, L Lorenz, JF Krems, L Tönert
8th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment …, 2015
Learning to use automation: Behavioral changes in interaction with automated driving systems
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, M Beggiato, JF Krems, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 62, 599-614, 2019
How usability can save the day-methodological considerations for making automated driving a success story
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
What and how to tell beforehand: The effect of user education on understanding, interaction and satisfaction with driving automation
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 68, 316-335, 2020
Two routes to trust calibration: effects of reliability and brand information on trust in automation
JM Kraus, Y Forster, S Hergeth, M Baumann
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (3), 1-17, 2019
Learning and development of mental models during interactions with driving automation: A simulator study
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, M Beggiato, JF Krems, A Keinath
Driving Assessment Conference 10 (2019), 2019
Test procedure for evaluating the human–machine interface of vehicles with automated driving systems
F Naujoks, S Hergeth, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, Y Forster, A Keinath
Traffic injury prevention 20 (sup1), S146-S151, 2019
Use cases for assessing, testing, and validating the human machine interface of automated driving systems
F Naujoks, S Hergeth, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, A Keinath
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
Cross-Country Validation of a Cultural Scale in Measuring Trust in Automation.
SY Chien, M Lewis, S Hergeth, Z Semnani-Azad, K Sycara
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics …, 2015
Standardized test procedure for external human–machine interfaces of automated vehicles
C Kaß, S Schoch, F Naujoks, S Hergeth, A Keinath, A Neukum
Information 11 (3), 173, 2020
Effects of secondary tasks and display position on glance behavior during partially automated driving
AC Hensch, N Rauh, C Schmidt, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 68, 23-32, 2020
Usability evaluation—advances in experimental design in the context of automated driving human–machine interfaces
D Albers, J Radlmayr, A Loew, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, A Keinath, ...
Information 11 (5), 240, 2020
Self-report measures for the assessment of human–machine interfaces in automated driving
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, A Keinath
Cognition, Technology & Work 22, 703-720, 2020
A methodological approach to determine the benefits of external hmi during interactions between cyclists and automated vehicles: A bicycle simulator study
C Kaß, S Schoch, F Naujoks, S Hergeth, A Keinath, A Neukum
HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. Driving Behavior, Urban …, 2020
Checklist for expert evaluation of HMIs of automated vehicles—discussions on its value and adaptions of the method within an expert workshop
N Schömig, K Wiedemann, S Hergeth, Y Forster, J Muttart, A Eriksson, ...
Information 11 (4), 233, 2020
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