Thayananthan Thayaparan
Thayananthan Thayaparan
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Analysis of radar micro-Doppler signatures from experimental helicopter and human data
T Thayaparan, S Abrol, E Riseborough, LJ Stankovic, D Lamothe, G Duff
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 1 (4), 289-299, 2007
Time-frequency signal analysis with applications
L Stanković, M Daković, T Thayaparan
Artech house, 2013
A multiple-detection joint probabilistic data association filter
B Habtemariam, R Tharmarasa, T Thayaparan, M Mallick, T Kirubarajan
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 7 (3), 461-471, 2013
Micro-Doppler-based target detection and feature extraction in indoor and outdoor environments
T Thayaparan, LJ Stanković, I Djurović
Journal of the Franklin Institute 345 (6), 700-722, 2008
Separation of target rigid body and micro-Doppler effects in ISAR imaging
L Stankovic, I Djurovic, T Thayaparan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 42 (4), 1496-1506, 2006
Meteor decay times and their use in determining a diagnostic mesospheric temperature‐pressure parameter: Methodology and one year of data
WK Hocking, T Thayaparan, J Jones
Geophysical Research Letters 24 (23), 2977-2980, 1997
Signal decomposition by using the S-method with application to the analysis of HF radar signals in sea-clutter
LJ Stankovic, T Thayaparan, M Dakovic
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (11), 4332-4342, 2006
Micro-Doppler radar signatures for intelligent target recognition
T Thayaparan, S Abrol, ES Riseborough
Defence R & D Canada-Ottawa, 2004
Terminating the 100 kyr ice age cycle
L Tarasov, WR Peltier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D18), 21665-21693, 1997
Simultaneous and colocated observation of winds and tides by MF and meteor radars over London, Canada (43 N, 81 W), during 1994–1996
WK Hocking, T Thayaparan
Radio Science 32 (2), 833-865, 1997
Micro-Doppler removal in the radar imaging analysis
L Stankovic, T Thayaparan, M Dakovic, V Popovic-Bugarin
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 49 (2), 1234-1250, 2013
A Lagrangian dispersion model for predicting CO2 sources, sinks, and fluxes in a uniform loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand
G Katul, R Oren, D Ellsworth, CI Hsieh, N Phillips, K Lewin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D8), 9309-9321, 1997
Extracting micro-Doppler radar signatures from rotating targets using Fourier–Bessel transform and time–frequency analysis
P Suresh, T Thayaparan, T Obulesu, K Venkataramaniah
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (6), 3204-3210, 2013
Application of adaptive joint time–frequency algorithm for focusing distorted ISAR images from simulated and measured radar data
T Thayaparan, G Lampropoulos, SK Wong, E Riseborough
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 150 (4), 213-220, 2003
Design of an ultrawideband antipodal tapered slot antenna using elliptical strip conductors
JY Siddiqui, YMM Antar, AP Freundorfer, EC Smith, GA Morin, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 10, 251-254, 2011
Multiwindow S-method for instantaneous frequency estimation and its application in radar signal analysis
I Orovic, S Stankovic, T Thayaparan, LJ Stankovic
IET Signal Processing 4 (4), 363-370, 2010
Detection of a manoeuvring air target in sea-clutter using joint time–frequency analysis techniques
T Thayaparan, S Kennedy
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 151 (1), 19-30, 2004
Inverse radon transform–based micro-Doppler analysis from a reduced set of observations
L Stankovic, M Dakovic, T Thayaparan, V Popovic-Bugarin
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (2), 1155-1169, 2015
Micro-Doppler signal estimation for vibrating and rotating targets
P Setlur, M Amin, T Thayaparan
Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Signal Processing and …, 2005
Real-time motion compensation, image formation and image enhancement of moving targets in ISAR and SAR using S-method-based approach
T Thayaparan, LJ Stankovic, C Wernik, M Dakovic
IET Signal Processing 2 (3), 247-264, 2008
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