Electron beam melted Ti–6Al–4V: Microstructure, texture and mechanical behavior of the as-built and heat-treated material C de Formanoir, S Michotte, O Rigo, L Germain, S Godet Materials Science and Engineering: A 652, 105-119, 2016 | 397 | 2016 |
Analysis of texture evolution in equal channel angular extrusion of copper using a new flow field LS Tóth, RA Massion, L Germain, SC Baik, S Suwas Acta Materialia 52 (7), 1885-1898, 2004 | 244 | 2004 |
Texture heterogeneities induced by subtransus processing of near α titanium alloys L Germain, N Gey, M Humbert, P Vo, M Jahazi, P Bocher Acta Materialia 56 (16), 4298-4308, 2008 | 216 | 2008 |
Analysis of sharp microtexture heterogeneities in a bimodal IMI 834 billet L Germain, N Gey, M Humbert, P Bocher, M Jahazi Acta Materialia 53 (13), 3535-3543, 2005 | 208 | 2005 |
Texture and microtexture variations in a near-α titanium forged disk of bimodal microstructure N Gey, P Bocher, E Uta, L Germain, M Humbert Acta Materialia 60 (6-7), 2647-2655, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
An advanced approach to reconstructing parent orientation maps in the case of approximate orientation relations: Application to steels L Germain, N Gey, R Mercier, P Blaineau, M Humbert Acta Materialia 60 (11), 4551-4562, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |
Influence of transformation temperature on microtexture formation associated with α precipitation at β grain boundaries in a β metastable titanium alloy M Salib, J Teixeira, L Germain, E Lamielle, N Gey, E Aeby-Gautier Acta Materialia 61 (10), 3758-3768, 2013 | 144 | 2013 |
Reliability of reconstructed β-orientation maps in titanium alloys L Germain, N Gey, M Humbert Ultramicroscopy 107 (12), 1129-1135, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Interactions between ferrite recrystallization and austenite formation in high-strength steels A Chbihi, D Barbier, L Germain, A Hazotte, M Gouné Journal of Materials Science 49, 3608-3621, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Study of the variant selection in sharp textured regions of bimodal IMI 834 billet M Humbert, L Germain, N Gey, P Bocher, M Jahazi Materials Science and Engineering: A 430 (1-2), 157-164, 2006 | 81 | 2006 |
Crystal plasticity, fatigue crack initiation and fatigue performance of advanced titanium alloys EE Sackett, L Germain, MR Bache International Journal of Fatigue 29 (9-11), 2015-2021, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |
Unified description of the softening behavior of beta-metastable and alpha+ beta titanium alloys during hot deformation C Poletti, L Germain, F Warchomicka, M Dikovits, S Mitsche Materials Science and Engineering: A 651, 280-290, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Microstructures resulting from the interaction between ferrite recrystallization and austenite formation in dual-phase steels D Barbier, L Germain, A Hazotte, M Gouné, A Chbihi Journal of materials science 50, 374-381, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Banded structure in Dual Phase steels in relation with the austenite-to-ferrite transformation mechanisms B Krebs, L Germain, A Hazotte, M Gouné Journal of materials science 46, 7026-7038, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
Refinement of orientation relations occurring in phase transformation based on considering only the orientations of the variants M Humbert, P Blaineau, L Germain, N Gey Scripta Materialia 64 (2), 114-117, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Microstructure characterization and hardness distribution of 13Cr4Ni multipass weld metal MM Amrei, H Monajati, D Thibault, Y Verreman, L Germain, P Bocher Materials characterization 111, 128-136, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Deep Learning for automated phase segmentation in EBSD maps. A case study in Dual Phase steel microstructures TM Ostormujof, RRPPR Purohit, S Breumier, N Gey, M Salib, L Germain Materials Characterization 184, 111638, 2022 | 43 | 2022 |
A direct evidence of solute interactions with a moving ferrite/austenite interface in a model Fe-C-Mn alloy F Danoix, X Sauvage, D Huin, L Germain, M Gouné Scripta Materialia 121, 61-65, 2016 | 43 | 2016 |
Leveraging EBSD data by deep learning for bainite, ferrite and martensite segmentation S Breumier, TM Ostormujof, B Frincu, N Gey, A Couturier, N Loukachenko, ... Materials Characterization 186, 111805, 2022 | 42 | 2022 |
Micromechanical modeling of the effect of elastic and plastic anisotropies on the mechanical behavior of β-Ti alloys S Lhadi, S Berbenni, N Gey, T Richeton, L Germain International Journal of Plasticity 109, 88-107, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |