Janne Skakon
Janne Skakon
Assistant Professor, Work & Organizational Psychology, PhD
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Are leaders' well-being, behaviours and style associated with the affective well-being of their employees? A systematic review of three decades of research
J Skakon, K Nielsen, V Borg, J Guzman
Work & stress 24 (2), 107-139, 2010
Do managers experience more stress than employees? Results from the Intervention Project on Absence and Well-being (IPAW) study among Danish managers and their employees
J Skakon, TS Kristensen, KB Christensen, T Lund, M Labriola
Work 38 (2), 103-109, 2011
From job crafting to home crafting: A daily diary study among six European countries
E Demerouti, R Hewett, V Haun, S De Gieter, A Rodríguez-Sánchez, ...
Human Relations 73 (7), 1010-1035, 2020
Psychosocial work environment of hospital workers: validation of a comprehensive assessment scale
B Aust, R Rugulies, J Skakon, T Scherzer, C Jensen
International journal of nursing studies 44 (5), 814-825, 2007
Compensating need satisfaction across life boundaries: A daily diary study
R Hewett, VC Haun, E Demerouti, AM Rodríguez Sánchez, J Skakon, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 90 (2), 270-279, 2017
How do line managers experience and handle the return to work of employees on sick leave due to work-related stress? A one-year follow-up study
Y Ladegaard, J Skakon, AF Elrond, B Netterstrøm
Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (1), 44-52, 2019
Longitudinal associations between organizational change, work-unit social capital, and employee exit from the work unit among public healthcare workers: a mediation analysis
JH Jensen, EM Flachs, J Skakon, NH Rod, JP Bonde
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 45 (1), 53-62, 2019
Dual impact of organisational change on subsequent exit from work unit and sickness absence: a longitudinal study among public healthcare employees
JH Jensen, EM Flachs, J Skakon, NH Rod, JP Bonde
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 75 (7), 479-485, 2018
The impact of leaders on employee stress and affective well-being: A systematic review of three decades of empirical research
J Skakon, K Nielsen, V Borg, J Guzman
Work & Stress 24, 107-139, 2010
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Danish version of the readiness for return to work instrument
CM Stapelfeldt, AMH Momsen, T Lund, TK Grønborg, S Hogg-Johnson, ...
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 29, 325-335, 2019
Work-unit organisational changes and subsequent prescriptions for psychotropic medication: a longitudinal study among public healthcare employees
JH Jensen, JP Bonde, EM Flachs, J Skakon, NH Rod, I Kawachi
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 76 (3), 143-150, 2019
A study protocol outlining the development and evaluation of a training program for frontline managers on leading well-being and the psychosocial work environment in Danish …
VL Dalgaard, A Gayed, AKL Hansen, R Grytnes, K Nielsen, T Kirkegaard, ...
BMC Public Health 23 (1), 848, 2023
Work-unit organizational changes and risk of cardiovascular disease: a prospective study of public healthcare employees in Denmark
JH Jensen, EM Flachs, J Skakon, NH Rod, JP Bonde, I Kawachi
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 93, 409-419, 2020
Relational and course coordination at the university: Can the principles of relational coordination incorporated into the course coordinator role strengthen constructive alignment
J Skakon
Human factors in organizational design and management—XI, 625-630, 2014
Stressforebyggelse-anbefalinger til ledere
T Kirkegaard, J Skakon
Arbejdsmedicin, Herning, Hospitalsenheden Vest, 2018
Well-being and Stress Among Leaders and Employees: How Does Leader Stress Affect Employee Stress and Well-being?
J Skakon
Københavns Universitet, 2010
Hvordan håndterer danske arbejdspladser arbejdsrelateret sygdom? Oplevelser fra medarbejdere med psykisk sygdom, rygsygdom eller hudsygdom
Y Ladegaard, CN Thisted, U Gensby, J Skakon, B Netterstrøm
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 19 (4), 92-106, 2017
Psykisk arbejdsskade—illusionen om den forebyggende indsats
Y Ladegaard, J Skakon, B Netterstrøm
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 18 (1), 107-123, 2016
Notified occupational mental disorders: associations with health and income
Y Ladegaard, VL Dalgaard, PM Conway, NH Eller, J Skakon, T Maltesen, ...
Occupational Medicine 73 (2), 66-72, 2023
Indsatsen mod lederstress skal prioriteres højere
J Skakon
Tidsskrift for dansk sundhedsvæsen 95, 2019
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