David Aubin
David Aubin
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Integrated Governance and Water Basin Management. Conditions for Regime Change and Sustainability
H Bressers, S Kuks
Policy capacity and governance: Assessing governmental competences and capabilities in theory and practice
X Wu, M Howlett, M Ramesh
Springer, 2017
Functional regulatory spaces
F Varone, S Nahrath, D Aubin, JD Gerber
Policy sciences 46, 311-333, 2013
Territoires de conflits: analyses des mutations de l'occupation de l'espace
A Torre, T Kirat
L'Harmattan, 2008
The evolution of national water regimes in Europe
I Kissling-Näf, S Kuks
Springer, Netherlands. https://doi. org/10 1007, 978-1, 2004
Is climate change a threat for water uses in the Mediterranean region? Results from a survey at local scale
I La Jeunesse, C Cirelli, D Aubin, C Larrue, H Sellami, S Afifi, A Bellin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 543, 981-996, 2016
Water and liberalisation
M Finger, J Allouche, P Luis-Manso
IWA publishing, 2007
The evolution of European water policy
D Aubin, F Varone
The evolution of national water regimes in Europe: Transitions in water …, 2004
Too much of a good thing? A systematic review about the conditions of learning in governance networks
C Riche, D Aubin, S Moyson
European Policy Analysis 7 (1), 147-164, 2021
European water policy: a path toward an integrated resource management
D Aubin, F Varone
Louvain-La-Neuve, France, EUWARENESS. AURAPUCL, 2002
Multi-level regulation in the telecommunications sector: Adaptive regulatory arrangements in Belgium, Ireland, The Netherlands and Switzerland
D Aubin, K Verhoest
Springer, 2016
Aqualibrium: European water management between regulation and competition
B Knothe, DN Lamothe, JA Faby
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003
Policy advisory styles in the francophone Belgian civil service
D Aubin, M Brans
International Review of Administrative Sciences 86 (3), 463-478, 2020
L'eau en partage: Activation des règles dans les rivalités d'usages en Belgique et en Suisse
D Aubin
Peter Lang, 2007
Policy analysis in Belgium
S Ruebens, J Lawarée, D Sinardet, B Van Gorp, V Jacquet, J Van Damme, ...
Policy Press, 2017
Penser l'évaluation des politiques publiques
L Albarello, B Van Haeperen, D Aubin, C Fallon
De Boeck Supérieur, 2016
Is the governance of the Thau coastal lagoon ready to face climate change impacts?
I La Jeunesse, C Cirelli, H Sellami, D Aubin, R Deidda, N Baghdadi
Ocean & Coastal Management 118, 234-246, 2015
La gestion de l'eau en Belgique. Analyse historique des régimes institutionnels (1804-2001)
D Aubin, F Varone
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 17311732 (26), 5-75, 2001
The adaptive capacity of local water basin authorities to climate change: The Thau lagoon basin in France
D Aubin, C Riche, VV Water, I La Jeunesse
Science of the Total Environment 651, 2013-2023, 2019
Université libre de Bruxelles
DJ Dubois
Belgium, 0
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