Stabilized landfill leachate treatment by combined physicochemical–nanofiltration processes D Trebouet, JP Schlumpf, P Jaouen, F Quemeneur Water Research 35 (12), 2935-2942, 2001 | 473 | 2001 |
Membrane technology for the continuous separation microalgae/culture medium: compared performances of cross-flow microfiltration and ultrafiltration N Rossignol, L Vandanjon, P Jaouen, F Quemeneur Aquacultural Engineering 20 (3), 191-208, 1999 | 355 | 1999 |
What are the prospects for using seaweed in human nutrition and for marine animals raised through aquaculture? J Fleurence, M Morançais, J Dumay, P Decottignies, V Turpin, M Munier, ... Trends in food science & technology 27 (1), 57-61, 2012 | 309 | 2012 |
Brackish groundwater treatment by nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis in Tunisia: performance and cost comparison K Walha, RB Amar, L Firdaous, F Quéméneur, P Jaouen Desalination 207 (1-3), 95-106, 2007 | 234 | 2007 |
Study of the chemical composition of edible red macroalgae Grateloupia turuturu from Brittany (France) C Denis, M Morançais, M Li, E Deniaud, P Gaudin, G Wielgosz-Collin, ... Food Chemistry 119 (3), 913-917, 2010 | 217 | 2010 |
Physicochemical factors affecting the stability of two pigments: R-phycoerythrin of Grateloupia turuturu and B-phycoerythrin of Porphyridium cruentum M Munier, S Jubeau, A Wijaya, M Morancais, J Dumay, L Marchal, ... Food chemistry 150, 400-407, 2014 | 197 | 2014 |
Impact of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration of an industrial fish protein hydrolysate on its bioactive properties L Picot, R Ravallec, M Fouchereau‐Péron, L Vandanjon, P Jaouen, ... Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (11), 1819-1826, 2010 | 185 | 2010 |
Mechanism of nitrate ions transfer in nanofiltration depending on pressure, pH, concentration and medium composition L Paugam, S Taha, G Dorange, P Jaouen, F Quéméneur Journal of membrane science 231 (1-2), 37-46, 2004 | 161 | 2004 |
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) viscera using commercial proteases: Effects on lipid distribution and amino acid composition ES Kechaou, J Dumay, C Donnay-Moreno, P Jaouen, JP Gouygou, ... Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 107 (2), 158-164, 2009 | 152 | 2009 |
Marennine, promising blue pigments from a widespread Haslea diatom species complex R Gastineau, F Turcotte, JB Pouvreau, M Morançais, J Fleurence, ... Marine drugs 12 (6), 3161-3189, 2014 | 128 | 2014 |
Investigating submerged ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) membranes for seawater pre-treatment dedicated to total removal of undesirable micro-algae JB Castaing, A Massé, M Pontié, V Sechet, J Haure, P Jaouen Desalination 253 (1-3), 71-77, 2010 | 128 | 2010 |
Improvement of lipid and phospholipid recoveries from sardine (Sardina pilchardus) viscera using industrial proteases J Dumay, C Donnay-Moreno, G Barnathan, P Jaouen, JP Berge Process Biochemistry 41 (11), 2327-2332, 2006 | 126 | 2006 |
Fractionation of fish protein hydrolysates by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration: impact on peptidic populations P Bourseau, L Vandanjon, P Jaouen, M Chaplain-Derouiniot, A Masse, ... Desalination 244 (1-3), 303-320, 2009 | 125 | 2009 |
The culture of Chlorella vulgaris in a recycled supernatant: effects on biomass production and medium quality F Hadj-Romdhane, X Zheng, P Jaouen, J Pruvost, D Grizeau, JP Croué, ... Bioresource Technology 132, 285-292, 2013 | 121 | 2013 |
Harvesting of cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis using organic filtration membranes N Rossi, P Jaouen, P Legentilhomme, I Petit Food and bioproducts processing 82 (3), 244-250, 2004 | 117 | 2004 |
Optimization of bead milling parameters for the cell disruption of microalgae: process modeling and application to Porphyridium cruentum and Nannochloropsis oculata V Montalescot, T Rinaldi, R Touchard, S Jubeau, M Frappart, P Jaouen, ... Bioresource technology 196, 339-346, 2015 | 113 | 2015 |
Transfer of monovalent anions and nitrates especially through nanofiltration membranes in brackish water conditions L Paugam, CK Diawara, JP Schlumpf, P Jaouen, F Quéméneur Separation and Purification Technology 40 (3), 237-242, 2004 | 106 | 2004 |
Performances of ultrafiltration membranes for fractionating a fish protein hydrolysate: Application to the refining of bioactive peptidic fractions A Chabeaud, L Vandanjon, P Bourseau, P Jaouen, ... Separation and Purification Technology 66 (3), 463-471, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
The shear stress of microalgal cell suspensions (Tetraselmis suecica) in tangential flow filtration systems: the role of pumps P Jaouen, L Vandanjon, F Quéméneur Bioresource technology 68 (2), 149-154, 1999 | 104 | 1999 |
Development and validation of a minimal growth medium for recycling Chlorella vulgaris culture F Hadj-Romdhane, P Jaouen, J Pruvost, D Grizeau, G Van Vooren, ... Bioresource technology 123, 366-374, 2012 | 99 | 2012 |