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Leonel SousaINESC-ID, Instituto Superior TécnicoE-mail confirmado em inesc-id.pt
Nasser GiacamanUniversity of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Julian OppermannCodeplay SoftwareE-mail confirmado em codeplay.com
Frode Eika SandnesProfessor of Computer Science, Distinguished teaching fellow, Oslo Metropolitan UniversityE-mail confirmado em oslomet.no
Loris MarchalLIP, CNRS, ENS LyonE-mail confirmado em ens-lyon.fr
Frédéric VivienSenior researcher, INRIAE-mail confirmado em inria.fr
Stefan LankesRWTH Aachen UniversityE-mail confirmado em eonerc.rwth-aachen.de
Carsten ClaussParTec AGE-mail confirmado em lfbs.rwth-aachen.de
Pablo RebleIntel CorporationE-mail confirmado em reble.org
Chris BradleyAuckland Bioengineering Institute, University of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Chiu-Wing ShamThe University of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Kevin I-Kai WangDepartment of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering, The University of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Krystine Dawn SherwinUniversity of AucklandE-mail confirmado em aucklanduni.ac.nz
Cameron WalkerUniversity of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Avinash MalikUniversity of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Michael O'SullivanSenior Lecturer, The University of AucklandE-mail confirmado em auckland.ac.nz
Bertrand SIMONResearcher, IN2P3 Computing Center, CNRSE-mail confirmado em cnrs.fr
João GanteHugging FaceE-mail confirmado em huggingface.co
Gabriel FalcaoProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, FCTUC, University of Coimbra, IT, PortugalE-mail confirmado em deec.uc.pt
Yves RobertProfessor of Computer Science, ENS LyonE-mail confirmado em ens-lyon.fr
Oliver Sinnen
Parallel and Reconfigurable Computing Lab, University of Auckland
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