Qi Zhao
Qi Zhao
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Theory of variational quantum simulation
X Yuan, S Endo, Q Zhao, Y Li, SC Benjamin
Quantum 3, 191, 2019
Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution over untrustful metropolitan network
YL Tang, HL Yin, Q Zhao, H Liu, XX Sun, MQ Huang, WJ Zhang, SJ Chen, ...
Physical Review X 6 (1), 011024, 2016
Device-independent quantum random-number generation
Y Liu, Q Zhao, MH Li, JY Guan, Y Zhang, B Bai, W Zhang, WZ Liu, C Wu, ...
Nature 562 (7728), 548-551, 2018
Chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) immunotherapy for solid tumors: lessons learned and strategies for moving forward
J Li, W Li, K Huang, Y Zhang, G Kupfer, Q Zhao
Journal of hematology & oncology 11, 1-18, 2018
Towards automated performance diagnosis in a large IPTV network
AA Mahimkar, Z Ge, A Shaikh, J Wang, J Yates, Y Zhang, Q Zhao
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 39 (4), 231-242, 2009
Modeling channel popularity dynamics in a large IPTV system
T Qiu, Z Ge, S Lee, J Wang, Q Zhao, J Xu
Proceedings of the eleventh international joint conference on Measurement …, 2009
Improved key-rate bounds for practical decoy-state quantum-key-distribution systems
Z Zhang, Q Zhao, M Razavi, X Ma
Physical Review A 95 (1), 012333, 2017
High-speed device-independent quantum random number generation without a detection loophole
Y Liu, X Yuan, MH Li, W Zhang, Q Zhao, J Zhong, Y Cao, YH Li, LK Chen, ...
Physical review letters 120 (1), 010503, 2018
Modeling user activities in a large IPTV system
T Qiu, Z Ge, S Lee, J Wang, J Xu, Q Zhao
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement, 430-441, 2009
ACES: Adaptive clock estimation and synchronization using Kalman filtering
BR Hamilton, X Ma, Q Zhao, J Xu
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Mobile computing and …, 2008
Robust traffic matrix estimation with imperfect information: Making use of multiple data sources
Q Zhao, Z Ge, J Wang, J Xu
Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and …, 2006
Test of local realism into the past without detection and locality loopholes
MH Li, C Wu, Y Zhang, WZ Liu, B Bai, Y Liu, W Zhang, Q Zhao, H Li, ...
Physical review letters 121 (8), 080404, 2018
Experimental blind quantum computing for a classical client
HL Huang, Q Zhao, X Ma, C Liu, ZE Su, XL Wang, L Li, NL Liu, ...
Physical review letters 119 (5), 050503, 2017
Quantum simulation with hybrid tensor networks
X Yuan, J Sun, J Liu, Q Zhao, Y Zhou
Physical Review Letters 127 (4), 040501, 2021
Design of a novel statistics counter architecture with optimal space and time efficiency
Q Zhao, J Xu, Z Liu
Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and …, 2006
Joint Data Streaming and Sampling Techniques for Detection of Super Sources and Destinations.
Q Zhao, A Kumar, Jun (Jim) Xu
Internet Measurement Conference, 77-90, 2005
Hydrogen sulfide postconditioning protects isolated rat hearts against ischemia and reperfusion injury mediated by the JAK2/STAT3 survival pathway
HF Luan, ZB Zhao, QH Zhao, P Zhu, MY Xiu, Y Ji
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 45, 898-905, 2012
One-shot coherence dilution
Q Zhao, Y Liu, X Yuan, E Chitambar, X Ma
Physical review letters 120 (7), 070403, 2018
Mitigating algorithmic errors in a Hamiltonian simulation
S Endo, Q Zhao, Y Li, S Benjamin, X Yuan
Physical Review A 99 (1), 012334, 2019
Detection of super sources and destinations in high-speed networks: Algorithms, analysis and evaluation
Q Zhao, J Xu, A Kumar
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24 (10), 1840-1852, 2006
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