Erlend Nybakk
Erlend Nybakk
Kristiania University College and BI Norwegian Business School
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The legitimacy of CSR actions of publicly traded companies versus family-owned companies
R Panwar, K Paul, E Nybakk, E Hansen, D Thompson
Journal of Business Ethics 125, 481-496, 2014
The role of governments in renewable energy: The importance of policy consistency
W White, A Lunnan, E Nybakk, B Kulisic
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2013
Innovation strategy, working climate, and financial performance in traditional manufacturing firms: An empirical analysis.
E Nybakk, JI Jenssen
International Journal of Innovation Management 16 (2), 2012
Entrepreneurial attitude, innovation and performance among Norwegian nature-based tourism enterprises
E Nybakk, E Hansen
Forest Policy and Economics 10 (7-8), 473-479, 2008
Learning orientation, innovativeness and financial performance in traditional manufacturing firms: a higher-order structural equation model
E Nybakk
International Journal of innovation management 16 (05), 1250029, 2012
Forest ownership changes in Europe: State of knowledge and conceptual foundations
G Weiss, A Lawrence, T Hujala, G Lidestav, L Nichiforel, E Nybakk, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 99, 9-20, 2019
The effect of small firms' competitive strategies on their community and environmental engagement
R Panwar, E Nybakk, E Hansen, J Pinkse
Journal of Cleaner Production 129, 578-585, 2016
Antecedents to forest owner innovativeness: An investigation of the non-timber forest products and services sector
E Nybakk, P Crespell, E Hansen, A Lunnan
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2), 608-618, 2009
Forest land ownership change in Europe
I Živojinović, G Weiss, G Lidestav, D Feliciano, T Hujala, Z Dobšinská, ...
COST Action FP1201 FACESMAP Country Reports, Joint Volume. EFICEEC-EFISEE …, 2015
Second-home owners' intention to purchase nature-based tourism activity products–A Norwegian case study
T Tangeland, B Vennesland, E Nybakk
Tourism Management, 2013
Understanding private forest owners’ conceptualisation of forest management: Evidence from a survey in seven European countries
D Feliciano, L Bouriaud, E Brahic, P Deuffic, Z Dobsinska, V Jarsky, ...
Journal of Rural Studies 54, 162-176, 2017
Climate for innovation and innovation strategy as drivers for success in the wood industry: moderation effects of firm size, industry sector, and country of operation
E Nybakk, P Crespell, E Hansen
Silva Fennica 45 (3), 415-430, 2011
Inter-organizational innovation promoters in small, knowledge-intensive firms
JI Jenssen, E Nybakk
international Journal of innovation management 13 (03), 441-466, 2009
Building material preferences with a focus on wood in urban housing: durability and environmental impacts
O Høibø, E Hansen, E Nybakk
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (11), 1617-1627, 2015
Entrepreneurial attitudes and probability for start-ups—an investigation of Norwegian non-industrial private forest owners
A Lunnan, E Nybakk, B Vennesland
Forest policy and Economics 8 (7), 683-690, 2006
Inter-organizational networks and innovation in small, knowledge-intensive firms: a literature review
JI Jenssen, E Nybakk
International Journal of Innovation Management 17 (02), 2013
Does the business case matter? The effect of a perceived business case on small firms’ social engagement
R Panwar, E Nybakk, E Hansen, J Pinkse
Journal of Business Ethics 144, 597-608, 2017
Innovation governance in the forest sector: Reviewing concepts, trends and gaps
G Weiss, E Hansen, A Ludvig, E Nybakk, A Toppinen
Forest Policy and Economics 130, 102506, 2021
Innovation insights from North American forest sector research: A literature review
E Hansen, E Nybakk, R Panwar
Forests 5 (6), 1341-1355, 2014
Understanding instrumental motivations for social responsibility engagement in a micro‐firm context
E Nybakk, R Panwar
Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1), 18-33, 2015
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