Monique Bestman
Monique Bestman
Researcher animal production @Louis Bolk Institute
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The prevention and control of feather pecking in laying hens: identifying the underlying principles
TB Rodenburg, MM Van Krimpen, IC De Jong, EN De Haas, MS Kops, ...
World's Poultry Science Journal 69 (2), 361-374, 2013
Farm level factors associated with feather pecking in organic laying hens
MWP Bestman, JP Wagenaar
Livestock Production Science 80 (1-2), 133-140, 2003
The prevention and control of feather pecking: application to commercial systems
CJ Nicol, M Bestman, AM Gilani, EN De Haas, IC De Jong, S Lambton, ...
World's Poultry Science Journal 69 (4), 775-788, 2013
Influence of farm factors on the occurrence of feather pecking in organic reared hens and their predictability for feather pecking in the laying period
M Bestman, P Koene, JP Wagenaar
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 121 (2), 120-125, 2009
Health and welfare in Dutch organic laying hens
M Bestman, JP Wagenaar
Animals 4 (2), 374-390, 2014
Laying hen performance in different production systems; why do they differ and how to close the gap? Results of discussions with groups of farmers in The Netherlands …
F Leenstra, V Maurer, F Galea, M Bestman, Z Amsler-Kepalaite, ...
European Poultry Science/Archiv für Geflügelkunde 78, 2014
Utilising intrinsic robustness in agricultural production systems: Inventions for a sustainable development of agriculture
J Napel, F Bianchi, M Bestman
Inventions for a sustainable development of agriculture, 32-53, 2006
Performance of commercial laying hen genotypes on free range and organic farms in Switzerland, France and The Netherlands
F Leenstra, V Maurer, M Bestman, F van Sambeek, E Zeltner, ...
British Poultry Science 53 (3), 282-290, 2012
Feather-pecking and injurious pecking in organic laying hens in 107 flocks from eight European countries
M Bestman, C Verwer, C Brenninkmeyer, A Willett, LK Hinrichsen, ...
Animal Welfare 26 (3), 355-363, 2017
Predation in organic and free-range egg production
M Bestman, J Bikker-Ouwejan
Animals 10 (2), 177, 2020
How to fulfill EU requirements to feed organic laying hens 100% organic ingredients
MM Van Krimpen, F Leenstra, V Maurer, M Bestman
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 25 (1), 129-138, 2016
Possible risk factors for keel bone damage in organic laying hens
L Jung, K Niebuhr, LK Hinrichsen, S Gunnarsson, C Brenninkmeyer, ...
animal 13 (10), 2356-2364, 2019
The effects of harvest date and frequency on the yield, nutritional value and mineral content of the paludiculture crop cattail (Typha latifolia L.) in the first year after …
J Pijlman, JJM Geurts, RJE Vroom, M Bestman, C Fritz, NV Eekeren
The role of management and housing in the prevention of feather pecking in laying hens
MWP Bestman
Human-animal relationship: stockmanship and housing in organic livestock …, 2000
Presence of avian influenza risk birds in and around poultry free-range areas in relation to range vegetation and openness of surrounding landscape
M Bestman, W de Jong, JP Wagenaar, T Weerts
Agroforestry Systems 92, 1001-1008, 2018
Husbandry conditions and welfare outcomes in organic egg production in eight European countries
L Jung, C Brenninkmeyer, K Niebuhr, M Bestman, FAM Tuyttens, ...
Animals 10 (11), 2102, 2020
Factors related to free-range use in commercial laying hens
M Bestman, C Verwer, T van Niekerk, F Leenstra, B Reuvekamp, ...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 214, 57-63, 2019
Mutilations in organic animal husbandry: dilemmas involving animal welfare, humans and environmental protection.
C Menke, S Waiblinger, M Studnitz, M Bestman
Monitoring organic pig farms in The Netherlands
HM Vermeer, H Altena, M Bestman, L Ellinger, I Cranen, HAM Spoolder, ...
Proc. of the 51st annual meeting of the European Association of Animal …, 2000
The diversity of organic livestock systems in Europe.
S Roderick, B Henriksen, RG Trujillo, M Bestman, M Walkenhorst
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Artigos 1–20