Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Hin-Lap Yip (葉軒立)Saiba mais
96 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
High-performance perovskite-polymer hybrid solar cells via electronic coupling with fullerene monolayers
A Abrusci, SD Stranks, P Docampo, HL Yip, AKY Jen, HJ Snaith
Nano letters 13 (7), 3124-3128, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Renewed prospects for organic photovoltaics
G Zhang, FR Lin, F Qi, T Heumüller, A Distler, HJ Egelhaaf, N Li, ...
Chemical Reviews 122 (18), 14180-14274, 2022
Autorizações: US Department of Defense, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Perovskite light‐emitting diodes with EQE exceeding 28% through a synergetic dual‐additive strategy for defect passivation and nanostructure regulation
Z Liu, W Qiu, X Peng, G Sun, X Liu, D Liu, Z Li, F He, C Shen, Q Gu, F Ma, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (43), 2103268, 2021
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interface Engineering for All‐Inorganic CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency over 14%
L Yan, Q Xue, M Liu, Z Zhu, J Tian, Z Li, Z Chen, Z Chen, H Yan, HL Yip, ...
Advanced materials 30 (33), 1802509, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dual Interfacial Design for Efficient CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells with Improved Photostability
J Tian, Q Xue, X Tang, Y Chen, N Li, Z Hu, T Shi, X Wang, F Huang, ...
Advanced Materials, 1901152, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
Fused benzothiadiazole: a building block for n‐type organic acceptor to achieve high‐performance organic solar cells
J Yuan, Y Zhang, L Zhou, C Zhang, TK Lau, G Zhang, X Lu, HL Yip, SK So, ...
Advanced materials 31 (17), 1807577, 2019
Autorizações: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National …
Effects of a molecular monolayer modification of NiO nanocrystal layer surfaces on perovskite crystallization and interface contact toward faster hole extraction and higher …
Y Bai, H Chen, S Xiao, Q Xue, T Zhang, Z Zhu, Q Li, C Hu, Y Yang, Z Hu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (17), 2950-2958, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Recent advances in semi-transparent polymer and perovskite solar cells for power generating window applications
Q Xue, R Xia, CJ Brabec, HL Yip
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (7), 1688-1709, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
Dual interfacial modifications enable high performance semitransparent perovskite solar cells with large open circuit voltage and fill factor
Q Xue, Y Bai, M Liu, R Xia, Z Hu, Z Chen, XF Jiang, F Huang, S Yang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (9), 1602333, 2017
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Structurally Reconstructed CsPbI2Br Perovskite for Highly Stable and Square‐Centimeter All‐Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells
C Liu, W Li, H Li, H Wang, C Zhang, Y Yang, X Gao, Q Xue, HL Yip, J Fan, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (7), 1803572, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interface-enhanced organic solar cells with extrapolated T80 lifetimes of over 20 years
X Xu, J Xiao, G Zhang, L Wei, X Jiao, HL Yip, Y Cao
Science Bulletin 65 (3), 208-216, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Graded 2D/3D perovskite heterostructure for efficient and operationally stable MA‐Free perovskite solar cells
Q Yao, Q Xue, Z Li, K Zhang, T Zhang, N Li, S Yang, CJ Brabec, HL Yip, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (26), 2000571, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
Improving film formation and photovoltage of highly efficient inverted‐type perovskite solar cells through the incorporation of new polymeric hole selective layers
Q Xue, G Chen, M Liu, J Xiao, Z Chen, Z Hu, XF Jiang, B Zhang, F Huang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (5), 1502021, 2016
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhancing the performance of inverted perovskite solar cells via grain boundary passivation with carbon quantum dots
Y Ma, H Zhang, Y Zhang, R Hu, M Jiang, R Zhang, H Lv, J Tian, L Chu, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (3), 3044-3052, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Carbon–Oxygen‐Bridged Ladder‐Type Building Blocks for Highly Efficient Nonfullerene Acceptors
Z Xiao, S Yang, Z Yang, J Yang, HL Yip, F Zhang, F He, T Wang, J Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (45), 1804790, 2019
Autorizações: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recombination dynamics study on nanostructured perovskite light‐emitting devices
Z Chen, Z Li, C Zhang, XF Jiang, D Chen, Q Xue, M Liu, S Su, HL Yip, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (38), 1801370, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficient and stable perovskite solar cells via dual functionalization of dopamine semiquinone radical with improved trap passivation capabilities
Q Xue, M Liu, Z Li, L Yan, Z Hu, J Zhou, W Li, XF Jiang, B Xu, F Huang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (18), 1707444, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Semitransparent organic solar cells with vivid colors
X Li, R Xia, K Yan, J Ren, HL Yip, CZ Li, H Chen
ACS Energy Letters 5 (10), 3115-3123, 2020
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
High‐Performance Polymer Solar Cells with Electrostatic Layer‐by‐Layer Self‐Assembled Conjugated Polyelectrolytes as the Cathode Interlayer
K Zhang, Z Hu, R Xu, XF Jiang, HL Yip, F Huang, Y Cao
Advanced Materials 27 (24), 3607-3613, 2015
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
11.2% All‐polymer tandem solar cells with simultaneously improved efficiency and stability
K Zhang, R Xia, B Fan, X Liu, Z Wang, S Dong, HL Yip, L Ying, F Huang, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (36), 1803166, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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