Hin-Lap Yip (葉軒立)
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Single-junction organic solar cell with over 15% efficiency using fused-ring acceptor with electron-deficient core
J Yuan, Y Zhang, L Zhou, G Zhang, HL Yip, TK Lau, X Lu, C Zhu, H Peng, ...
Joule 3 (4), 1140-1151, 2019
Organic and solution-processed tandem solar cells with 17.3% efficiency
L Meng, Y Zhang, X Wan, C Li, X Zhang, Y Wang, X Ke, Z Xiao, L Ding, ...
Science 361 (6407), 1094-1098, 2018
Recent advances in solution-processed interfacial materials for efficient and stable polymer solar cells
HL Yip, AKY Jen
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (3), 5994-6011, 2012
Interface engineering for organic electronics
H Ma, HL Yip, F Huang, AKY Jen
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (9), 1371-1388, 2010
Air-stable inverted flexible polymer solar cells using zinc oxide nanoparticles as an electron selective layer
SK Hau, HL Yip, NS Baek, J Zou, K O’Malley, AKY Jen
Applied Physics Letters 92 (25), 2008
High-performance perovskite-polymer hybrid solar cells via electronic coupling with fullerene monolayers
A Abrusci, SD Stranks, P Docampo, HL Yip, AKY Jen, HJ Snaith
Nano letters 13 (7), 3124-3128, 2013
Renewed prospects for organic photovoltaics
G Zhang, FR Lin, F Qi, T Heumüller, A Distler, HJ Egelhaaf, N Li, ...
Chemical Reviews 122 (18), 14180-14274, 2022
Polymer solar cells that use self-assembled-monolayer-modified ZnO/metals as cathodes
HL Yip, SK Hau, NS Baek, H Ma, AKY Jen
Advanced Materials (Weinheim) 20, 2008
n-Type water/alcohol-soluble naphthalene diimide-based conjugated polymers for high-performance polymer solar cells
Z Wu, C Sun, S Dong, XF Jiang, S Wu, H Wu, HL Yip, F Huang, Y Cao
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (6), 2004-2013, 2016
Functional fullerenes for organic photovoltaics
CZ Li, HL Yip, AKY Jen
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (10), 4161-4177, 2012
Solution-processed organic tandem solar cells with power conversion efficiencies> 12%
M Li, K Gao, X Wan, Q Zhang, B Kan, R Xia, F Liu, X Yang, H Feng, W Ni, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (2), 85-90, 2017
The role of spin in the kinetic control of recombination in organic photovoltaics
A Rao, PCY Chow, S Gélinas, CW Schlenker, CZ Li, HL Yip, AKY Jen, ...
Nature 500 (7463), 435-439, 2013
Modulation of recombination zone position for quasi-two-dimensional blue perovskite light-emitting diodes with efficiency exceeding 5%
Z Li, Z Chen, Y Yang, Q Xue, HL Yip, Y Cao
Nature communications 10 (1), 1027, 2019
Highly efficient all-inorganic perovskite solar cells with suppressed non-radiative recombination by a Lewis base
J Wang, J Zhang, Y Zhou, H Liu, Q Xue, X Li, CC Chueh, HL Yip, Z Zhu, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 177, 2020
Delocalization of exciton and electron wavefunction in non-fullerene acceptor molecules enables efficient organic solar cells
G Zhang, XK Chen, J Xiao, PCY Chow, M Ren, G Kupgan, X Jiao, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3943, 2020
Perovskite light‐emitting diodes with EQE exceeding 28% through a synergetic dual‐additive strategy for defect passivation and nanostructure regulation
Z Liu, W Qiu, X Peng, G Sun, X Liu, D Liu, Z Li, F He, C Shen, Q Gu, F Ma, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (43), 2103268, 2021
Blocking reactions between indium-tin oxide and poly (3, 4-ethylene dioxythiophene): poly (styrene sulphonate) with a self-assembly monolayer
KW Wong, HL Yip, Y Luo, KY Wong, WM Lau, KH Low, HF Chow, ZQ Gao, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (15), 2788-2790, 2002
Interfacial modification to improve inverted polymer solar cells
SK Hau, HL Yip, O Acton, NS Baek, H Ma, AKY Jen
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (42), 5113-5119, 2008
Semi-transparent polymer solar cells with 6% PCE, 25% average visible transmittance and a color rendering index close to 100 for power generating window applications
KS Chen, JF Salinas, HL Yip, L Huo, J Hou, AKY Jen
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (11), 9551-9557, 2012
Interface Engineering for All‐Inorganic CsPbI2Br Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency over 14%
L Yan, Q Xue, M Liu, Z Zhu, J Tian, Z Li, Z Chen, Z Chen, H Yan, HL Yip, ...
Advanced materials 30 (33), 1802509, 2018
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Artigos 1–20