Intellectual capital and the ‘capable firm’: narrating, visualising and numbering for managing knowledge J Mouritsen, HT Larsen, PND Bukh Accounting, organizations and society 26 (7-8), 735-762, 2001 | 972 | 2001 |
Disclosure of information on intellectual capital in Danish IPO prospectuses PN Bukh, C Nielsen, P Gormsen, J Mouritsen Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 18 (6), 713-732, 2005 | 840 | 2005 |
Enterprise resource planning systems, management control and the quest for integration N Dechow, J Mouritsen Accounting, organizations and society 30 (7-8), 691-733, 2005 | 742 | 2005 |
Inter-organizational controls and organizational competencies: episodes around target cost management/functional analysis and open book accounting J Mouritsen, A Hansen, CØ Hansen Management Accounting Research 12 (2), 221-244, 2001 | 606 | 2001 |
Constructing intellectual capital statements PN Bukh, HT Larsen, J Mouritsen Scandinavian journal of management 17 (1), 87-108, 2001 | 577 | 2001 |
Driving growth: economic value added versus intellectual capital J Mouritsen Management accounting research 9 (4), 461-482, 1998 | 500 | 1998 |
Accounting, network complementarities and the development of inter-organisational relations J Mouritsen, S Thrane Accounting, organizations and society 31 (3), 241-275, 2006 | 451 | 2006 |
Effects of actor‐network theory in accounting research L Justesen, J Mouritsen Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 24 (2), 161-193, 2011 | 413 | 2011 |
Developing and managing knowledge through intellectual capital statements J Mouritsen, PN Bukh, HT Larsen, MR Johansen Journal of intellectual capital 3 (1), 10-29, 2002 | 413 | 2002 |
Evaluative infrastructures: Accounting for platform organization M Kornberger, D Pflueger, J Mouritsen Accounting, Organizations and Society 60, 79-95, 2017 | 399 | 2017 |
Problematising intellectual capital research: ostensive versus performative IC J Mouritsen Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 19 (6), 820-841, 2006 | 375 | 2006 |
“When you make manager, we put a big mountain in front of you”: An ethnography of managers in a Big 4 accounting firm M Kornberger, L Justesen, J Mouritsen Accounting, Organizations and Society 36 (8), 514-533, 2011 | 372 | 2011 |
Sticky reputation: Analyzing a ranking system M Schultz, J Mouritsen, G Gabrielsen Corporate Reputation Review 4 (1), 24-41, 2001 | 352 | 2001 |
The 2nd wave of knowledge management: The management control of knowledge resources through intellectual capital information J Mouritsen, HT Larsen Management accounting research 16 (3), 371-394, 2005 | 333 | 2005 |
Reporting on intellectual capital: why, what and how? J Mouritsen, P Nikolaj Bukh, B Marr Measuring Business Excellence 8 (1), 46-54, 2004 | 326 | 2004 |
Reading an intellectual capital statement: describing and prescribing knowledge management strategies J Mouritsen, MR Johansen, HT Larsen, PN Bukh Journal of Intellectual capital 2 (4), 359-383, 2001 | 314 | 2001 |
Valuing the future: intellectual capital supplements at Skandia J Mouritsen, HT Larsen, PN Bukh Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 14 (4), 399-422, 2001 | 312 | 2001 |
Dealing with the knowledge economy: intellectual capital versus balanced scorecard J Mouritsen, H Thorsgaard Larsen, PN Bukh Journal of intellectual capital 6 (1), 8-27, 2005 | 296 | 2005 |
Short and long translations: Management accounting calculations and innovation management J Mouritsen, A Hansen, CØ Hansen Accounting, Organizations and Society 34 (6-7), 738-754, 2009 | 286 | 2009 |
The flexible firm: strategies for a subcontractor’s management control J Mouritsen Accounting, Organizations and Society 24 (1), 31-55, 1999 | 274 | 1999 |