Item response theory for psychologists SE Embretson, SP Reise Psychology Press, 2013 | 8808 | 2013 |
The rediscovery of bifactor measurement models SP Reise Multivariate behavioral research 47 (5), 667-696, 2012 | 2357 | 2012 |
Item banks for measuring emotional distress from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®): depression, anxiety, and anger PA Pilkonis, SW Choi, SP Reise, AM Stover, WT Riley, D Cella, ... Assessment 18 (3), 263-283, 2011 | 2120 | 2011 |
Confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory: two approaches for exploring measurement invariance. SP Reise, KF Widaman, RH Pugh Psychological bulletin 114 (3), 552, 1993 | 1779 | 1993 |
Psychometric evaluation and calibration of health-related quality of life item banks: plans for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) BB Reeve, RD Hays, JB Bjorner, KF Cook, PK Crane, JA Teresi, ... Medical care 45 (5), S22-S31, 2007 | 1644 | 2007 |
Evaluating bifactor models: Calculating and interpreting statistical indices. A Rodriguez, SP Reise, MG Haviland Psychological methods 21 (2), 137, 2016 | 1605 | 2016 |
Exploring the measurement invariance of psychological instruments: Applications in the substance use domain. KF Widaman, SP Reise American Psychological Association, 1997 | 1604 | 1997 |
Bifactor models and rotations: Exploring the extent to which multidimensional data yield univocal scale scores SP Reise, TM Moore, MG Haviland Journal of personality assessment 92 (6), 544-559, 2010 | 1483 | 2010 |
Factor analysis and scale revision. SP Reise, NG Waller, AL Comrey Psychological assessment 12 (3), 287, 2000 | 1443 | 2000 |
Scoring and modeling psychological measures in the presence of multidimensionality SP Reise, WE Bonifay, MG Haviland Journal of personality assessment 95 (2), 129-140, 2013 | 1175 | 2013 |
Item response theory and health outcomes measurement in the 21st century RD Hays, LS Morales, SP Reise Medical care 38 (9), II-28-II-42, 2000 | 1095 | 2000 |
Applying bifactor statistical indices in the evaluation of psychological measures A Rodriguez, SP Reise, MG Haviland Journal of personality assessment 98 (3), 223-237, 2016 | 1053 | 2016 |
The role of the bifactor model in resolving dimensionality issues in health outcomes measures SP Reise, J Morizot, RD Hays Quality of Life Research 16, 19-31, 2007 | 965 | 2007 |
Multidimensionality and structural coefficient bias in structural equation modeling: A bifactor perspective SP Reise, R Scheines, KF Widaman, MG Haviland Educational and psychological measurement 73 (1), 5-26, 2013 | 909 | 2013 |
Item response theory and clinical measurement SP Reise, NG Waller Annual review of clinical psychology 5 (1), 27-48, 2009 | 887 | 2009 |
The clinical assessment interview for negative symptoms (CAINS): final development and validation AM Kring, RE Gur, JJ Blanchard, WP Horan, SP Reise American journal of psychiatry 170 (2), 165-172, 2013 | 807 | 2013 |
Detecting mixtures from structural model differences using latent variable mixture modeling: A comparison of relative model fit statistics JM Henson, SP Reise, KH Kim Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal 14 (2), 202-226, 2007 | 519 | 2007 |
The 10-item positive and negative affect schedule for children, child and parent shortened versions: application of item response theory for more efficient assessment C Ebesutani, J Regan, A Smith, S Reise, C Higa-McMillan, BF Chorpita Journal of Psychopathology and behavioral Assessment 34, 191-203, 2012 | 512 | 2012 |
An empirical comparison of acculturation models WP Flannery, SP Reise, J Yu Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (8), 1035-1045, 2001 | 468 | 2001 |
Personality assessment DJ Ozer, SP Reise Annual review of psychology 45, 357, 1994 | 460 | 1994 |