Patrick Manser
Patrick Manser
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Designing a large-scale public transport network using agent-based microsimulation
P Manser, H Becker, S Hörl, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 137, 1-15, 2020
Towards agent-based travel demand simulation across all mobility choices – the role of balancing preferences and constraints
W Scherr, P Manser, C Joshi, N Frischknecht, D Métrailler
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 20 (4), 152-172, 2020
SIMBA MOBi: Microscopic Mobility Simulation for Corporate Planning
W Scherr, P Manser, P Bützberger
Transportation Research Procedia 49, 30-43, 2020
Estimating flexibility preferences to resolve temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling
P Manser, T Haering, T Hillel, J Pougala, R Krueger, M Bierlaire
Transportation 51 (2), 501-528, 2024
Public Transport Network Design in a World of Autonomous Vehicles
P Manser
Master thesis, 2017
Modelling mobility tool availability at a household and individual level: A case study of Switzerland
T Hillel, J Pougala, P Manser, R Luethi, W Scherr, M Bierlaire
European Association for Research in Transportation, 2021
Agent-based simulation of mobility behaviour induced by working from home
P Manser, N Stutzmann, L Sieber, J Bischoff, B Patrick, 2022
Resolving time conflicts in activity-based scheduling: A case study of Lausanne
P Manser, T Haering, T Hillel, J Pougala, R Krueger, M Bierlaire
Proceedings of the 21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 2021
Resolving time conflicts in activity-based scheduling
T Haering, P Manser, T Hillel, J Pougala, R Krueger, M Bierlaire
21st Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), 2021
Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting: Extensions to the SBB Nationwide Model
T Hillel, J Pougala, M Bierlaire, P Manser, W Scherr
nextRail19, International Rail and Mobility Conference, 2019
ÖV-Netzplanung im Zeitalter von selbstfahrenden Fahrzeugen
P Manser
Strasse und Verkehr 104 (12), 28-32, 2018
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Artigos 1–11