On the Krylov subspace methods based on tensor format for positive definite Sylvester tensor equations FP Ali Beik, FS Movahed, S Ahmadi‐Asl
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 23 (3), 444-466, 2016
80 2016 Iterative methods for double saddle point systems FP Ali Beik, M Benzi
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39 (2), 902-921, 2018
67 2018 On the global Krylov subspace methods for solving general coupled matrix equations FPA Beik, DK Salkuyeh
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 (12), 4605-4613, 2011
62 2011 Iterative Tikhonov regularization of tensor equations based on the Arnoldi process and some of its generalizations FPA Beik, M Najafi–Kalyani, L Reichel
Applied Numerical Mathematics 151, 425-447, 2020
36 2020 Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization for ill-conditioned tensor equations with applications FPA Beik, K Jbilou, M Najafi-Kalyani, L Reichel
Numerical Algorithms 84, 1535-1563, 2020
34 2020 On global iterative schemes based on Hessenberg process for (ill-posed) Sylvester tensor equations M Najafi-Kalyani, FPA Beik, K Jbilou
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 373, 112216, 2020
32 2020 Block preconditioners for saddle point systems arising from liquid crystal directors modeling FPA Beik, M Benzi
Calcolo 55, 1-16, 2018
30 2018 The coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations over generalized centro-symmetric matrices FPA Beik, DK Salkuyeh
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90 (7), 1546-1566, 2013
30 2013 An Iterative algorithm for -(anti)-Hermitian least-squares solutions of quaternion matrix equations F Beik, S Ahmadi-Asl
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 30, 372-401, 2015
27 2015 Tensor Krylov subspace methods via the Einstein product with applications to image and video processing M El Guide, A El Ichi, K Jbilou, FPA Beik
Applied Numerical Mathematics 181, 347-363, 2022
21 2022 Tensor GMRES and Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization methods via the Einstein product with applications to image and video processing ME Guide, AE Ichi, FP Beik, K Jbilou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07458, 2020
21 2020 Residual norm steepest descent based iterative algorithms for Sylvester tensor equations F Panjeh Ali Beik, S Ahmadi-Asl
Journal of Mathematical Modeling 2 (2), 115-131, 2015
19 2015 Gradient-based iterative algorithm for solving the generalized coupled Sylvester-transpose and conjugate matrix equations over reflexive (anti-reflexive) matrices FPA Beik, DK Salkuyeh, MM Moghadam
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 36 (1), 99-110, 2014
19 2014 Preconditioning techniques for the coupled Stokes–Darcy problem: spectral and field-of-values analysis FPA Beik, M Benzi
Numerische Mathematik 150 (2), 257-298, 2022
17 2022 On block diagonal and block triangular iterative schemes and preconditioners for stabilized saddle point problems FPA Beik, M Benzi, SHA Chaparpordi
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 326, 15-30, 2017
17 2017 Tensor extrapolation methods with applications FPA Beik, AE Ichi, K Jbilou, R Sadaka
Numerical Algorithms 87, 1421-1444, 2021
13 2021 Uzawa-type and augmented Lagrangian methods for double saddle point systems M Benzi, FPA Beik
Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra: Analysis, Algorithms and …, 2019
13 2019 On the iterative refinement of the solution of ill-conditioned linear system of equations FPA Beik, S Ahmadi-Asl, A Ameri
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 95 (2), 427-443, 2018
13 2018 An efficient iterative algorithm for quaternionic least-squares problems over the generalized-(anti-) bi-Hermitian matrices S Ahmadi-Asl, FPA Beik
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 65 (9), 1743-1769, 2017
12 2017 Weighted versions of Gl-FOM and Gl-GMRES for solving general coupled linear matrix equations FPA Beik, DK Salkuyeh
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 55, 1606-1618, 2015
12 2015