Xevi Roca
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Efficiency of high‐order elements for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods
A Huerta, A Angeloski, X Roca, J Peraire
International Journal for numerical methods in Engineering 96 (9), 529-560, 2013
Optimization of a regularized distortion measure to generate curved high‐order unstructured tetrahedral meshes
A Gargallo‐Peiró, X Roca, J Peraire, J Sarrate
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 103 (5), 342-363, 2015
Defining quality measures for high-order planar triangles and curved mesh generation
X Roca, A Gargallo-Peiró, J Sarrate
Proceedings of the 20th international meshing roundtable, 365-383, 2012
Distortion and quality measures for validating and generating high-order tetrahedral meshes
A Gargallo-Peiró, X Roca, J Peraire, J Sarrate
Engineering with Computers 31 (3), 423-437, 2015
A surface mesh smoothing and untangling method independent of the CAD parameterization
A Gargallo-Peiró, X Roca, J Sarrate
Computational mechanics 53, 587-609, 2014
Generation of curved high-order meshes with optimal quality and geometric accuracy
E Ruiz-Gironés, J Sarrate, X Roca
Procedia engineering 163, 315-327, 2016
Defining quality measures for validation and generation of high-order tetrahedral meshes
A Gargallo-Peiró, X Roca, J Peraire, J Sarrate
Proceedings of the 22nd international meshing roundtable, 109-126, 2014
High-order mesh curving by distortion minimization with boundary nodes free to slide on a 3D CAD representation
E Ruiz-Gironés, X Roca, J Sarrate
Computer-Aided Design 72, 52-64, 2016
Simultaneous untangling and smoothing of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes using an object-oriented framework
E Ruiz-Gironés, X Roca, J Sarrate, R Montenegro, JM Escobar
Advances in Engineering Software 80, 12-24, 2015
A distortion measure to validate and generate curved high‐order meshes on CAD surfaces with independence of parameterization
A Gargallo‐Peiró, X Roca, J Peraire, J Sarrate
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 106 (13), 1100-1130, 2016
An automatic and general least-squares projection procedure for sweep meshing
X Roca, J Sarrate
Engineering with computers 26 (4), 391-406, 2010
Implicit large-eddy simulation of compressible flows using the Interior Embedded Discontinuous Galerkin method
P Fernandez, C Nguyen, X Roca, J Peraire
54th aiaa aerospace sciences meeting, 1332, 2016
Surface Mesh Projection for Hexahedral Mesh Generation by Sweeping.
X Roca, J Sarrate, A Huerta
IMR, 169-180, 2004
Unstructured and semi-structured hexahedral mesh generation methods
J Sarrate Ramos, E Ruiz-Gironés, FJ Roca Navarro
Computational technology reviews 10, 35-64, 2014
Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation
X Roca
Scalable parallelization of the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for compressible flow
X Roca, C Nguyen, J Peraire
21st AIAA Computational fluid dynamics conference, 2939, 2013
Defining quality measures for mesh optimization on parameterized CAD surfaces
A Gargallo-Peiró, X Roca, J Peraire, J Sarrate
Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, 85-102, 2013
The receding front method applied to hexahedral mesh generation of exterior domains
E Ruiz-Gironés, X Roca, J Sarrate
Engineering with computers 28 (4), 391-408, 2012
Untangling and smoothing of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes
TJ Wilson, J Sarrate Ramos, X Roca Ramón, R Montenegro, JM Escobar
Civil-Comp Proceedings, 2012
A graphical modeling and mesh generation environment for simulations based on boundary representation data
X Roca, J Sarrate, E Ruiz-Gironés
Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia, 2007
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