An efficient approximation for optimal damping in mechanical systems N Truhar, Z Tomljanovic, M Puvaca Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model 14 (2), 201-217, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Optimization of damping positions in a mechanical system Y Kanno, M Puvača, Z Tomljanović, N Truhar Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Matematičke znanosti, 141-157, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Approximation of damped quadratic eigenvalue problem by dimension reduction N Truhar, Z Tomljanović, M Puvača Applied mathematics and computation 347, 40-53, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Fast optimization of viscosities for frequency-weighted damping of second-order systems N Jakovcevic Stor, T Mitchell, Z Tomljanovic, M Ugrica Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 103 (5), 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Approximation of quadratic eigenvalue problem and application to damping optimization M Ugrica University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Mathematics, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
QR dekompozicija koristeći Givensove rotacije i primjene Z Tomljanović, M Ugrica Osječki matematički list 14 (2), 117-141, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |
QR dekompozicija koristeci Givensove rotacije M Ugrica | 1 | 2013 |
Efficient approximation of novel residual bounds for a parameter dependent quadratic eigenvalue problem M Ugrica, N Truhar, Z Tomljanović, M Karow Numerical algebra, control and optimization, 0-0, 2024 | | 2024 |
The tan Θ theorem for definite matrix pairs IK Ivičić, S Miodragović, M Ugrica Linear and multilinear algebra 71 (15), 2484-2498, 2023 | | 2023 |
Analiza tragova polibromiranih difenil-etera u kućnoj prašini i ljudskome mlijeku radi procjene rizika za ljudsko zdravlje K Jagić University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Chemistry, 2022 | | 2022 |
QR decomposition using Givens rotations and applications Z Tomljanović, M Ugrica Osječki matematički list 14 (2), 117-141, 2014 | | 2014 |