Timo Mitze
Timo Mitze
Associate Professor in Regional Economics, University of Southern Denmark
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Face masks considerably reduce COVID-19 cases in Germany
T Mitze, R Kosfeld, J Rode, K Wälde
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (51), 32293-32301, 2020
Does firm size make a difference? Analysing the effectiveness of R&D subsidies in East Germany
B Alecke, J Reinkowski, T Mitze, G Untiedt
German economic review 13 (2), 174-195, 2012
EU regional policy and the neighbour's curse: analyzing the income convergence effects of ESIF funding in the presence of spatial spillovers
P Breidenbach, T Mitze, CM Schmidt
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (2), 388-405, 2019
Trade-FDI linkages in a simultaneous equations system of gravity models for German regional data
T Mitze, B Alecke, G Untiedt
Économie internationale 122 (2), 121-161, 2010
Internal Migration, Regional Labour Market Dynamics and Implications for German East-West Disparities-Results from a Panel VAR
B Alecke, T Mitze, G Untiedt
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2009
Does cluster policy trigger R&D activity? Evidence from German biotech contests
D Engel, T Mitze, R Patuelli, J Reinkowski
European Planning Studies 21 (11), 1735-1759, 2013
Public debt and growth in German federal states: What can Europe learn?
T Mitze, F Matz
Journal of Policy Modeling 37 (2), 208-228, 2015
Scientific collaboration between ‘old’and ‘new’member states: Did joining the European Union make a difference?
T Makkonen, T Mitze
Scientometrics 106, 1193-1215, 2016
The Covid‐19 containment effects of public health measures: A spatial difference‐in‐differences approach
R Kosfeld, T Mitze, J Rode, K Wälde
Journal of Regional Science 61 (4), 799-825, 2021
The tuition fee ‘shock’: Analysing the response of firstyear students to a spatially discontinuous policy change in Germany
T Mitze, C Burgard, B Alecke
Papers in Regional Science 94 (2), 385-420, 2015
Testing the neoclassical migration model: overall and age-group specific results for German regions
T Mitze, T Mitze
Empirical Modelling in Regional Science: Towards a Global Time‒Space …, 2012
Inter-regional innovation cooperation and structural heterogeneity: Does being a rural, or border region, or both, make a difference?
RE Hjaltadóttir, T Makkonen, T Mitze
Journal of Rural Studies 74, 257-270, 2020
Endogeneity in panel data models with time-varying and time-fixed regressors: to IV or not IV?
T Mitze
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2009
Determining factors of interregional research collaboration in Germany's biotech network: Capacity, proximity, policy?
T Mitze, F Strotebeck
Technovation 80, 40-53, 2019
Growth effects of regional policy in Germany: results from a spatially augmented multiplicative interaction model
B Alecke, T Mitze, G Untiedt
The Annals of regional science 50, 535-554, 2013
The propagation effect of commuting to work in the spatial transmission of COVID-19
T Mitze, R Kosfeld
Journal of geographical systems 24 (1), 5-31, 2022
Science and technology cooperation in cross-border regions: A proximity approach with evidence for Northern Europe
T Makkonen, AM Williams, T Mitze, A Weidenfeld
European Planning Studies 26 (10), 1961-1979, 2018
Empirical Modelling in Regional Science: Towards a Global Time‒Space‒Structural Analysis
T Mitze
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
An Integrated Micro-Macro (IMM) approach to the evaluation of large-scale public investment programmes: The case of EU Structural Funds
J Bradley, T Mitze, ELW Morgenroth, G Untiedt
ESRI Working Paper, 2005
Analysis of the impact of cohesion policy: a note explaining the HERMIN-based simulations
J Bradley, G Untiedt, T Mitze
Münster, Germany, Dublin, Ireland, 2007
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