Jessica Gosnell Caron
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New and emerging AAC technology supports for children with complex communication needs and their communication partners: State of the science and future research directions
J Light, D McNaughton, J Caron
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 1-16, 2019
“Social media has opened a world of ‘open communication:’” Experiences of adults with cerebral palsy who use augmentative and alternative communication and social media
J Caron, J Light
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 32 (1), 25-40, 2016
Using a clinical approach to answer “What communication apps should we use?”
J Gosnell, J Costello, H Shane
Perspectives on augmentative and alternative communication 20 (3), 87-96, 2011
“My world has expanded even though I'm stuck at home”: Experiences of individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who use augmentative and alternative communication and …
J Caron, J Light
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 24 (4), 680-695, 2015
Operational demands of AAC mobile technology applications on programming vocabulary and engagement during professional and child interactions
J Caron, J Light, K Drager
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 32 (1), 12-24, 2016
Effect of mobile technology featuring visual scene displays and just-in-time programming on communication turns by preadolescent and adolescent beginning communicators
C Holyfield, JG Caron, K Drager, J Light
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 21 (2), 201-211, 2019
Effects of dynamic text in an AAC app on sight word reading for individuals with autism spectrum disorder
J Caron, J Light, C Holyfield, D McNaughton
Augmentative and Alternative Commuincation 34 (2), 143-154, 2018
Social media experiences of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy who use augmentative and alternative communication
JG Caron, J Light
International journal of speech-language pathology 19 (1), 30-42, 2017
Apps: An Emerging Tool for SLPs: A plethora of apps can be used to develop expressive, receptive, and other language skills.
J Gosnell
The ASHA Leader 16 (12), 10-13, 2011
Using AAC video visual scene displays to increase participation and communication within a volunteer activity for adolescents with complex communication needs
S Babb, D McNaughton, J Light, J Caron, K Wydner, S Jung
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 36 (1), 31-42, 2020
Typical toddlers' participation in “just-in-time” programming of vocabulary for visual scene display augmentative and alternative communication apps on mobile technology: A …
C Holyfield, K Drager, J Light, JG Caron
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (3), 737-749, 2017
Comparison of the effects of mobile technology AAC apps on programming visual scene displays
J Caron, J Light, BE Davidoff, KDR Drager
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 33 (4), 239-248, 2017
The effects of explicit instruction in academic vocabulary during shared book reading on the receptive vocabulary of children with complex communication needs
AM Yorke, JC Light, J Gosnell Caron, DB McNaughton, KDR Drager
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 288-300, 2018
Foundational Reading Interventions Adapted for Individuals Who Require Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): a Systematic Review of the Research
A Yorke, J Caron, N Pukys, E Sternad, C Grecol, C Shermak
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 33, 537–582, 2021
Programing AAC just-in-time for beginning communicators: the process
C Holyfield, J Caron, J Light
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 35, 309-318, 2019
The effects of AAC video visual scene display technology on the communicative turns of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder
SE Chapin, D McNaughton, J Light, A McCoy, J Caron, DL Lee
Assistive Technology 34 (5), 577-587, 2022
“What Have You Been Doing?”: Supporting Displaced Talk Through Augmentative and Alternative Communication Video Visual Scene Display Technology
J Caron, C Holyfield, D Light, Janice, and McNaughton
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 3 (SIG 12), 123-135, 2018
“Two friends spending time together”: The impact of video visual scene displays on peer social interaction for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
S Babb, D McNaughton, J Light, J Caron
Language, speech, and hearing services in schools 52 (4), 1095-1108, 2021
Effect of video embedded with hotspots with dynamic text on single-word recognition by children with multiple disabilities
C Holyfield, J Caron, J Light, D McNaughton
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 31, 727-740, 2019
Effects of an AAC App with Transition to Literacy Features on Single-Word Reading of Individuals with Complex Communication Needs
J Caron, J Light, D McNaughton
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 45 (2), 115-131, 2020
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