A non-local algorithm for image denoising A Buades, B Coll, J Morel IEEE Computer Society Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition-San …, 2005 | 9788 | 2005 |
A review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one A Buades, B Coll, J Morel Multiscale modeling and simulation 4 (2), 490-530, 2005 | 5652 | 2005 |
Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion F Catté, PL Lions, JM Morel, T Coll SIAM Journal on Numerical analysis 29 (1), 182-193, 1992 | 2712 | 1992 |
LSD: A fast line segment detector with a false detection control RG Von Gioi, J Jakubowicz, JM Morel, G Randall IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (4), 722-732, 2008 | 2212 | 2008 |
ASIFT: A new framework for fully affine invariant image comparison JM Morel, G Yu SIAM journal on imaging sciences 2 (2), 438-469, 2009 | 2038 | 2009 |
Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion. II L Alvarez, PL Lions, JM Morel SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 29 (3), 845-866, 1992 | 2025 | 1992 |
Axioms and fundamental equations of image processing L Alvarez, F Guichard, PL Lions, JM Morel Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 123, 199-257, 1993 | 1526 | 1993 |
Non-local means denoising A Buades, B Coll, JM Morel Image Processing On Line, 208-212, 2011 | 1125 | 2011 |
Variational methods in image segmentation: with seven image processing experiments JM Morel, S Solimini Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1086 | 2012 |
LSD: A line segment detector RG von Gioi, J Jakubowicz, JM Morel, G Randall Image Processing On Line 2, 35-55, 2012 | 1054 | 2012 |
Nonlocal image and movie denoising A Buades, B Coll, JM Morel International journal of computer vision 76, 123-139, 2008 | 1010 | 2008 |
Level lines based disocclusion S Masnou, JM Morel Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998 | 828 | 1998 |
Geometry-driven diffusion in computer vision BMH Romeny Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 797 | 2013 |
From gestalt theory to image analysis: a probabilistic approach A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM Morel Springer Science & Business Media, 2007 | 698 | 2007 |
Image denoising methods. A new nonlocal principle A Buades, B Coll, JM Morel SIAM review 52 (1), 113-147, 2010 | 567 | 2010 |
Meaningful alignments A Desolneux, L Moisan, JM Morel International journal of computer vision 40, 7-23, 2000 | 496 | 2000 |
An axiomatic approach to image interpolation V Caselles, JM Morel, C Sbert IEEE Transactions on image processing 7 (3), 376-386, 1998 | 474 | 1998 |
ASIFT: An algorithm for fully affine invariant comparison G Yu, JM Morel Image Processing On Line 1, 11-38, 2011 | 448 | 2011 |
Multiscale retinex AB Petro, C Sbert, JM Morel Image processing on line, 71-88, 2014 | 409 | 2014 |
On image denoising methods A Buades, B Coll, JM Morel CMLA Preprint 5, 19-26, 2004 | 404 | 2004 |