Seung-Hwan Lim
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Optimizing deep learning hyper-parameters through an evolutionary algorithm
SR Young, DC Rose, TP Karnowski, SH Lim, RM Patton
Proceedings of the workshop on machine learning in high-performance …, 2015
MDCSim: A multi-tier data center simulation, platform
SH Lim, B Sharma, G Nam, EK Kim, CR Das
2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing and Workshops, 1-9, 2009
Mrorchestrator: A fine-grained resource orchestration framework for mapreduce clusters
B Sharma, R Prabhakar, SH Lim, MT Kandemir, CR Das
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 1-8, 2012
D-factor: a quantitative model of application slow-down in multi-resource shared systems
SH Lim, JS Huh, Y Kim, GM Shipman, CR Das
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (1), 271-282, 2012
Migration, assignment, and scheduling of jobs in virtualized environment
SH Lim, JS Huh, Y Kim, CR Das
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX conference on Hot Topics in Cloud Ccomputing, 2011
Big data platforms as a service: challenges and approach
J Horey, E Begoli, R Gunasekaran, SH Lim, J Nutaro
Proceedings of the 4th USENIX conference on Hot Topics in Cloud Ccomputing, 2012
Tagit: an integrated indexing and search service for file systems
H Sim, Y Kim, SS Vazhkudai, GR Vallée, SH Lim, AR Butt
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2017
167-PFlops deep learning for electron microscopy: from learning physics to atomic manipulation
RM Patton, MA Ziatdinov, SV Kalinin, JT Johnston, SR Young, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2018
A dynamic energy management scheme for multi-tier data centers
SH Lim, B Sharma, BC Tak, CR Das
(IEEE ISPASS) IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of …, 2011
A heterogeneity-aware task scheduler for spark
L Xu, AR Butt, SH Lim, R Kannan
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 245-256, 2018
In-place zero-space memory protection for cnn
H Guan, L Ning, Z Lin, X Shen, H Zhou, SH Lim
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Marble: A multi-gpu aware job scheduler for deep learning on hpc systems
J Han, MM Rafique, L Xu, AR Butt, SH Lim, SS Vazhkudai
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2020
Table2graph: A scalable graph construction from relational tables using map-reduce
S Lee, BH Park, SH Lim, M Shankar
2015 IEEE First International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2015
An integrated indexing and search service for distributed file systems
H Sim, A Khan, SS Vazhkudai, SH Lim, AR Butt, Y Kim
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (10), 2375-2391, 2020
A quantitative study of deep learning training on heterogeneous supercomputers
J Han, L Xu, M Rafique, AR Butt, SH Lim
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2019
UnifyFS: A user-level shared file system for unified access to distributed local storage
MJ Brim, AT Moody, SH Lim, R Miller, S Boehm, C Stanavige, KM Mohror, ...
2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS …, 2023
Exascale deep learning to accelerate cancer research
RM Patton, JT Johnston, SR Young, CD Schuman, TE Potok, DC Rose, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1488-1496, 2019
An analysis of image storage systems for scalable training of deep neural networks
SH Lim, S Young, R Patton
The Seventh workshop on Big Data Benchmarks, Performance Optimization, and …, 2016
Fleet: Flexible efficient ensemble training for heterogeneous deep neural networks
H Guan, LK Mokadam, X Shen, SH Lim, R Patton
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems 2, 247-261, 2020
Scientific user behavior and data-sharing trends in a petascale file system
SH Lim, H Sim, R Gunasekaran, SS Vazhkudai
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2017
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