Sanda M. Harabagiu
Sanda M. Harabagiu
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Using predicate-argument structures for information extraction
M Surdeanu, S Harabagiu, J Williams, P Aarseth
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2003
FALCON: Boosting Knowledge for Answer Engines.
SM Harabagiu, DI Moldovan, M Pasca, R Mihalcea, M Surdeanu, ...
TREC 9, 479-488, 2000
Performance issues and error analysis in an open-domain question answering system
D Moldovan, M Paşca, S Harabagiu, M Surdeanu
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 21 (2), 133-154, 2003
EmpaTweet: Annotating and Detecting Emotions on Twitter.
K Roberts, MA Roach, J Johnson, J Guthrie, SM Harabagiu
Lrec 12 (12), 3806-3813, 2012
Utd: Classifying semantic relations by combining lexical and semantic resources
B Rink, S Harabagiu
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 256-259, 2010
LASSO: A Tool for Surfing the Answer Net.
DI Moldovan, SM Harabagiu, M Pasca, R Mihalcea, R Goodrum, R Girju, ...
TREC 8, 65-73, 1999
Question answering based on semantic structures
S Narayanan, S Harabagiu
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on …, 2004
Methods for using textual entailment in open-domain question answering
S Harabagiu, A Hickl
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational …, 2006
The structure and performance of an open-domain question answering system
D Moldovan, S Harabagiu, M Pasca, R Mihalcea, R Girju, R Goodrum, ...
Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2000
Unsupervised event coreference resolution
CA Bejan, S Harabagiu
Computational Linguistics 40 (2), 311-347, 2014
Experiments with open-domain textual question answering
S Harabagiu, M Pasca, SJ Maiorano
COLING 2000 Volume 1: The 18th International Conference on Computational …, 2000
LCC tools for question answering.
DI Moldovan, SM Harabagiu, R Girju, P Morarescu, VF Lacatusu, ...
TREC, 2002
Cogex: A logic prover for question answering
D Moldovan, C Clark, S Harabagiu, SJ Maiorano
Proceedings of the 2003 Human Language Technology Conference of the North …, 2003
Issues, tasks and program structures to roadmap research in question & answering (Q&A)
J Burger, C Cardie, V Chaudhri, R Gaizauskas, S Harabagiu, D Israel, ...
Document Understanding Conferences Roadmapping Documents, 1-35, 2001
High performance question/answering
MA Pasca, SM Harabagiu
Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2001
Wordnet 2-a morphologically and semantically enhanced resource
S Harabagiu, GA Miller, D Moldovan
SIGLEX99: Standardizing lexical resources, 1999
Topic themes for multi-document summarization
S Harabagiu, F Lacatusu
Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2005
Automatic extraction of relations between medical concepts in clinical texts
B Rink, S Harabagiu, K Roberts
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (5), 594-600, 2011
Negation, contrast and contradiction in text processing
S Harabagiu, A Hickl, F Lacatusu
AAAI 6, 755-762, 2006
Text and knowledge mining for coreference resolution
S Harabagiu, R Bunescu, SJ Maiorano
Second meeting of the North American chapter of the association for …, 2001
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